Friday, November 5, 2021

Friday, November 5th, 2021

Wednesday, November 24:  Thanksgiving Break
Thursday, November 25:  Thanksgiving Break
Friday, November 26:  Thanksgiving Break
Thursday, December 9:  E-learning Day

1st Grade:  Persuasion Paper

This week we continued working on our persuasion writing.  It was time for us to take our hamburger organizer and turn it into a paragraph.  Our organizer was full of our ideas and now we had to turn them into complete thoughts.  We worked on incorporating transition words into our sentences.  They did a great job!  Next week will complete this project.


2nd Grade:  The Tale of Despereaux:

We completed Book the Second and hearing the story of Roscurro.  We have now left his story on pause with Despereaux and our learning about one more character - Mig.  Roscurro introduced us to the topic of if a person’s heart is broken can they change.  They also heard the story explaining why the King was so mean in Book the First – he too has a broken heart.  Mig is that last piece to our puzzle before we can tie all three of our characters destinies together!  We will continue our book study next week.

3rd Grade:  More Noun Fun:

This week we continued our noun hunt fun.  We discussed how identifying a preposition in the sentence will help them know a noun or pronoun is coming because of prepositional phrases.  They can serve as another signal word like our articles.  They went through and sorted the nouns they found into person, place thing or idea.  We will wrap up our noun hunt next week.


4th Grade:  A Change Maker:

This week they selected a person for their change maker project.  This project will consist of several different parts coming together into a final presentation.  They will work in partners as they complete this assignment.  Our first step is to research.  This week and next we will be gathering and reading our sources on our change maker.  It will be all about reading, so not many details to share in the blog.  We will continue with our research next week.


1st Grade:  Think Deeply:

This week we played one more round of Groupo because we had lots of friends miss last week with a field trip.  They did a GREAT job on the day 2 or 3 for the students and are really learning to explain their shapes as they discussed their pairs.  We moved onto our Think Deeply to wrap up the lesson.  The students were challenged with selecting a card from Groupo and creating a shape that would create a match.  Will will finish this assignment next week.

2nd Grade:  Tessellations:

This week the students were challenged with creating a tessellation by transforming a basic unit around a triangle grid.  First, we had to determine what shapes we could use that would fit into our grid.  Then, each student created a basic unit by selecting 2 or more of our shapes that they were going to piece together to create a new shape.   Next, it was onto creating the tessellation.  They had to decide what transformations they could use with their shape to move it around their grid.  They could select a movement moving it from left to right on the grid.  Then, they chose a movement to move the shape down the grid.  Their designs are coming alone nicely!  We will finish these next week and dig further into the transformations that created their tessellations.


3rd Grade:  Review & 100's Charts:

We took some time out of class to review our answers from the chapter check-up.  A common error I saw with some students was forgetting to find the starting number when working with a function.  We also had to have a quick discussion on what makes a growing patter and repeating pattern different.  We moved onto our next lesson which was all about seeing patterns in algebra in a different way.  In chapter one, our patterns were in tables and now we are exploring patterns in charts and arrays.  This chapter will focus on us looking at patterns in 100's charts.  Patterns will continue to be a theme we work with in our algebra unit as we are making them see the why it works.  We will continue to work with this lesson next week.


4th Grade:  Variable Puzzles & Zaccaro:

This week and next week will be a slight mash-up as we have a field trip taking away half of the students this week and next.  On Wednesday, we will continue with our lessons, but on Thursday each group will complete an enrichment activity.  On Wednesday, the whole group finished their variable puzzles.  They saw a twist with our last problem as there was no way to set up an equation with a number and a variable to solve the puzzle.  After a little more thinking, students quickly spotted an equation where they could figure out the values based on their only being one solution to solve it for each letter:

W + W + Z =  4

1 + 1 + 2 = 4

Next week, we will wrap up this lesson.

Have a Great Weekend!
Ms. Losinski

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