Hope Everyone Enjoyed the Extra Day!
A school wide focus around Yost is Growth Mindset. This is a great strategy to help us all change our thinking. This year I am going to have a weekly quote posted in the room and will share the quote with everyone on the blog.
Around the School
Monday, September 3rd - LABOR DAY - No School
September 4th-17th - Candy Bar Sales - by the PTO
Saturday, September 8th - NERF NIGHT - Sponsored by the PTO
Tuesday, September 11th - E-LEARNING DAY - *School is Open Today
Wednesday, September 12th - PICTURE DAY
Friday, September 14th - PTO CRAFT NIGHT 5:30-7:30
2ND GRADE: CONNECTIONS: This week was our introductory lesson to our entire unit. As a class, we worked on an activity to help us define a connection. A connection is a relationship in which a person, place, thing or idea is linked or associated with something else. We then looked at the categories and defined the relationships they paired together. This led us into the generalizations of connections that we will focus on this year...
- Connections show Relationships among objects, places, ideas and people.
- Connections can be intellectual, physical, emotional or social.
- Connections can change or stay the same overtime.
Connections will be our theme for the entire year. It is very important that the students have a strong understanding of the word connection as we will refer back to it throughout the entire unit. Each lesson throughout the year will expand onto our understanding of the concept of connections.
Presenting our Connections
3RD GRADE: INTERACTIONS: This week was our introductory lesson to our entire unit. We completed several different activities to help us define interactions. We took our time going through these activities because interactions will be our focus throughout the entire year. The BIG thing the students must realize is that it must be an exchange between two or more people/animals verse cause and effect. After understanding the definition of an interaction, we then looked at the generalizations to an interaction.
Below are the generalizations that will guide us throughout the year when looking for interactions.
- Interactions can be accidental or purposeful.
- Interactions can be negative or positive.
- Interactions can have a fleeting influence or can leave a deep and lasting impression.
Interactions will be our theme for the entire year. It is very important that the students have a strong understanding of the definition of an interaction. To help them along the way we will refer to generalizations throughout the year. Each lesson throughout the year will expand onto our understanding of the concept of interactions.
4TH GRADE: SYSTEMS: Similar to last year, this group will be the first to test out a new unit prepared for our 4th graders. This week we completed our introductory lesson to our entire unit. We completed several different activities to help us create a definition for the word systems. We came to the conclusion that systems are a purposeful interaction among parts to achieve a goal. We reviewed our vocabulary map by defining the term generalizations. This led us into creating a list of generalizations to guide us with the
- Systems may be stable or unstable.
- Systems may change over time.
- Systems may be effective or ineffective.
- Systems may be simple or complex.
- Systems may be open to interpretation.
- Systems may be a series of causes and effects.
Systems will be our theme throughout the entire year. We will refer back to today's generalizations throughout the entire year. This is why it is very important they have a strong understanding of systems after this week. Each lesson throughout the year will expand onto our understanding of the concept of systems.

2ND-4TH GRADE: PRE ASSESSMENT: This week all my classes took a pre-assessment to start the year. My returning students are familiar with this, as they have taken one several years now. The pre-assessment will be seen again by all students at the end of the year. It covers all of the topics that each grade will cover throughout the year. It is a great tool that allows me to see what the students know about the topics they will be seeing, so I know if some things are already mastered or if other areas will need a little extra support. This is also an exciting tool that we use with the students because it will also allow us to measure growth from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. In the beginning, it is perfectly acceptable for a student to skip over a problem if they do not know anything about it. However, at the end of the year we hope that the assessment will be a piece of cake, as they will have mastered all the topics throughout the year.

New this Year:
Towards the end of last year my students started completed Zaccaro Math Packets in 3rd Grade. This year all of my grades will work on these packets, if they finish any assignments early. This is great for all grades because it allows them to go as high as possible. It starts everyone at level one and moves up to genius. I have them touch base with me for the right answer now and then. My fourth graders are working out of a different book this year. Students will have the opportunity to earn a reward as they complete a chapter.
Hope you had a Great Weekend,
Ms Losinski
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