September 22nd - Homecoming Hustle
September 24th-28th - College Go Week
September 24th - PTO Meeting 3-4pm
October 1st-2nd - Camp Goodfellow (4th Grade - 3 Classes)
October 12th - End of 1st Grading Period
October 12th - PTO Tailgate
October 15th-16th - Camp Goodfellow (4th Grade -1 Class)
October 17th - E-Learning Day
October 24th-25th - Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences
October 26th - Fall Recess
September 24th-28th - College Go Week
September 24th - PTO Meeting 3-4pm
October 1st-2nd - Camp Goodfellow (4th Grade - 3 Classes)
October 12th - End of 1st Grading Period
October 12th - PTO Tailgate
October 15th-16th - Camp Goodfellow (4th Grade -1 Class)
October 17th - E-Learning Day
October 24th-25th - Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences
October 26th - Fall Recess
Around Duneland
Tonight is Homecoming!
Come out and view the parade and stay for the football game!
Parade starts at 4:00pm
Football Game starts at 7:00pm
Parade starts at 4:00pm
Football Game starts at 7:00pm

Are you ready for some fun? Then, join the Duneland Education Foundation's 2nd Annual Homecoming Hustle on September 22, 2018.
The Homecoming Hustle is a Fun Run/Walk event and is one of the Foundation's biggest fundraisers. Events such as this race make it possible for teachers and schools to receive grants for educational initiatives.
This event is for adults and children (parent signature required).
The school with the most participants will receive the traveling Homecoming Hustle trophy. (Bailly Elementary School was the 2017 trophy recipient)
Pre-registration ($20) which includes race & shirt is due September 12, 2018
Registration ($20) after September 12, 2018 does not guarantee a shirt.
Shirt Pick Up DEF Office 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Shirt Pick Up CHS Stadium 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Registration/Shirt Pick Up CHS 7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m.
Race Start CHS 9:00 a.m.
Sign-up Today so we can bring that Trophy to Yost!
On Monday, the students were introduced to a novel study. As a class, we will read and study connections of the heart with The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. To begin the unit the students were first asked to work through a set of 7 questions and make predictions with only the title and for the last question the cover of the story.

I had to remind them that it was okay if their prediction were wrong because at this point we do not have a lot of information to utilize for our predictions. The students were also introduced to another tool we will use throughout the novel study - the vocabulary map. As a class, we defined the word journey together. This gave them a mini-lesson on how this chart should be completed. Then we ended the week by writing a reflection to the statement: "If a journey is to be miraculous, what are certain events that must occur during this journey?"

This week we finished our lesson on interactions as a form of communications. They put the finishing touches on their charts. Then they completed an activity where they summarized a training tip and then had to answer the questions of how it met the generalizations to an interaction. To end the lesson, the students completed an in-class writing assignment on an interaction they were involved in outside of school. This was completed in their interaction journal. After each lesson, the students will complete a writing assignment in this journal reflecting on different interactions. They were invited to share their interactions with the class.
Next week we will begin a new lesson.
We ended class last week with a list of procedures to Do Our Best in School. This week the students were asked to select one from our list or use one they came up with on their own as their topic. Then they were asked to write out the sequence of events to their procedure.
This was a perfect time to introduce transition words. We looked over a list of common transition words to help them while writing their order of events. After completing their organizer, they shared their steps with the class. If the class was able to guess their procedure, they were on the right track. If not, that would have meant they may have missed some important steps.
We were able to figure out each student's procedure. Luckily, no one selected the same topic either. Next, it was time to turn their organizers into a formal piece of writing. We looked over the rubric for our writing assignment. This week we focused on the first two steps in the rubric: Evidence and Organization.
After reviewing the rubric, the students needed to turn the steps into a paragraph and add an introduction and conclusion sentence. Another requirement for the assignment was to explain how the procedure was a part of the bigger system - to do your best in school. We focused on this being stated in their conclusion statement.
Next week we will look conventions, which is the last piece to their rubric.
GOAL: For the students to see the relationship between inches and half-inches.
We completed one more worksheet together. This one introduced the relationship of inches and half-inches. This worksheet taught the students that they can double the amount of inches and they will get the amount of half-inches. They saw that for every inch we have 2 half-inches.
They also flipped it around and thought of a double fact to reduce down from half-inches to inches. We concluded that the larger the measurement the smaller our answer will be and the smaller the unit the larger the answer. To continue working with this new idea, the students conducted the marble crash test and presented their answers in inches and half-inches.
We will wrap up this lesson next week.
GOAL: For the students to utilize a benchmark while making an estimate.

This week the students continued working with the project incredible me. It was great seeing them utilize the different benchmark strategies to find the estimations on the worksheet. Some students used the width of their pinky, others used the top of a pencil and others would look at a previous measurement to help give them an idea.

Their estimates were getting better and better with each guess. We had 5 guesses off by only 1 centimeter and 4 perfect estimations!
Next week the students will be introduced to the Think Deeply question to conclude our lesson.
GOAL: For the students to define and develop a strong understanding of equivalent fractions.

This week we started with a review on how to find equivalent fractions. This led us into a discussion on the identity property of multiplication. They completed a worksheet to practice this method of creating equivalent fractions. We had enough time to introduce our first Think Deeply question of the year. Most of my students are returning and familiar with this step in our lesson.
It may not be there favorite part of the lesson, but it is an important step in becoming a great mathematician. This helps the students work on explaining the steps and math concept they mastered rather than just putting down an answer.
It is a great tool in letting us see that they mastered a lesson and are ready to move-on if they can explain what they learned in their own words. As a reminder for how to complete these, we completed the first one together.
We will finish the Think Deeply question next week.
Have a Great Weekend,
Ms Losinski
GOAL: This week the students were introduced to making predictions and the vocabulary map.

On Monday, the students were introduced to a novel study. As a class, we will read and study connections of the heart with The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. To begin the unit the students were first asked to work through a set of 7 questions and make predictions with only the title and for the last question the cover of the story.

Next week we will begin to read our novel.
GOAL: The students were introduced to their interaction journals.
GOAL: The students were introduced to their interaction journals.

Next week we will begin a new lesson.
GOAL: For the students to write out a sequence of events for a procedure.

Next week we will look conventions, which is the last piece to their rubric.
GOAL: For the students to see the relationship between inches and half-inches.

We will wrap up this lesson next week.
GOAL: For the students to utilize a benchmark while making an estimate.

This week the students continued working with the project incredible me. It was great seeing them utilize the different benchmark strategies to find the estimations on the worksheet. Some students used the width of their pinky, others used the top of a pencil and others would look at a previous measurement to help give them an idea.

Their estimates were getting better and better with each guess. We had 5 guesses off by only 1 centimeter and 4 perfect estimations!
Next week the students will be introduced to the Think Deeply question to conclude our lesson.
GOAL: For the students to define and develop a strong understanding of equivalent fractions.

This week we started with a review on how to find equivalent fractions. This led us into a discussion on the identity property of multiplication. They completed a worksheet to practice this method of creating equivalent fractions. We had enough time to introduce our first Think Deeply question of the year. Most of my students are returning and familiar with this step in our lesson.
It may not be there favorite part of the lesson, but it is an important step in becoming a great mathematician. This helps the students work on explaining the steps and math concept they mastered rather than just putting down an answer.

We will finish the Think Deeply question next week.
Have a Great Weekend,
Ms Losinski
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