Around the School
September 4th-17th - Candy Bar Sales - by the PTO
Tuesday, September 11th - E-LEARNING DAY - *School is Open Today
Wednesday, September 12th - PICTURE DAY
Friday, September 14th - PTO CRAFT NIGHT 5:30-7:30
Around Duneland
Are you ready for some fun? Then, join the Duneland Education Foundation's 2nd Annual Homecoming Hustle on September 22, 2018.
The Homecoming Hustle is a Fun Run/Walk event and is one of the Foundation's biggest fundraisers. Events such as this race make it possible for teachers and schools to receive grants for educational initiatives.
This event is for adults and children (parent signature required).
The school with the most participants will receive the traveling Homecoming Hustle trophy. (Bailly Elementary School was the 2017 trophy recipient)
Pre-registration ($20) which includes race & shirt is due September 12, 2018
Registration ($20) after September 12, 2018 does not guarantee a shirt.
Shirt Pick Up DEF Office 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Shirt Pick Up CHS Stadium 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Registration/Shirt Pick Up CHS 7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m.
Race Start CHS 9:00 a.m.
Sign-up Today so we can bring that Trophy to Yost!
GOAL: For students to learn about the VENN diagram and Reading Analyzer - two tools that will help them better understanding the meaning of their reading.
We started class by reading the poem Eldorado. Then the students were asked to journal what they thought was the meaning of this poem. This was a struggle for the students with such a difficult poem. Then we looked at a new tool the students will utilize throughout the year - the reading analyzer. The reading analyzer breaks a reading down piece by piece into key words, feelings box, ideas box, connections box, and structure. This week we focused on key words. We will continue working with Eldorado next week.
GOAL: Students will look at animal behaviors to identify specific interactions.
Our unit this week had us look at two different books - How to Talk to Dogs: A Guide to Decoding Dog Language by Aline Alexander Newman & Gary Weitzman, D.V.M They had to complete a worksheet that looked for interactions following our generalizations within the books. However, with such a short amount of time reading the entire book is not an option for them. This let us review our nonfiction text features. The table of contents was a useful tool to guide us to the appropriate page based on the topic being discussed. This saved us lots of time! As a class, we completed the first few examples together. Next week they will finish this worksheet on their own.
GOAL: For students to understand that organization is a system of procedures.
We started our lesson this week by watching a step-by-step video on brushing our teeth. Then we needed to decide if brushing our teeth was a system. At first they thought it was a system. After working through a series of questions, we concluded it is a set of steps that are part of a bigger system of good dental health. There are many parts that working together to complete the goal of having good dental hygiene. Dental visits, flossing, fluoride, and braces are more pieces to the system that are interrelated and working together to complete the goal. We had just enough time left in class to read the story Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco. It was clear before we had begun they have heard this story from previous teachers and had prior knowledge about this story. This allowed for some of my friends to chime in as sound effects of our thunder as we read the story together. Next week we will continue on with our lesson.
This week we had a package arrive from the Detective Duo - Dru & Teller. These are two characters that the students will interact with throughout the year. They will send us questions that will lead our investigations with each topic we cover this year.
The students will wrap-up each lesson by working on writing responses by responding back to their friends. Being able to write your understanding to a topic is a big part of being a mathematician - it lets us see that the students truly have an understanding of the topics.
This week we were taught about being good speakers and listeners in the classroom. We looked at a scrapbook from Dru and Teller and identified the speaker and listener roles in the pictures.
The Detective Duo has already asked for our help - they need us to tell them how they can measure the meerkat tunnels. This was the students' introduction to writing a Think Deeply. Dru and Teller needed us to decide who measured correctly, as they both had different answers. This was a perfect opportunity to review our knowledge of using a ruler. We discussed the importance of counting the spaces and not the tick marks. We also discussed that the space between each tick mark represents 1 inch. We completed our lesson by writing our response to our new friends.
Our first chapter will be over measurement. We started with a short review on measuring with rulers. We also discussed rounding when measuring with centimeters.
We concluded that since there are 10 millimeters in a centimeter if it measures to 5 or more millimeters, we should round up to the nearest centimeter. Next the students completed Measuring in the Classroom to practice the skill of rounding to the nearest centimeter. We will continue with this activity next week.
Our lesson began by introducing us to two students the children will follow throughout our lesson - Tori and Jordan. They were exploring in their grandma's attic and came upon a trunk full of different items from their great-grandparents store. Throughout the unit the children will explore the items they found which will guide each of our lessons.
Our first challenge was to recreate strips of fabric that were all the same length, but had different marks used for measuring fabric in the store. Over the next few class periods we will work on this challenge as we create 12 fraction strips.
We began this process together starting with a whole fraction. As we began completing the fractions strips, some students already began correlating how many folds to create the next strip. This is part of the end goal we are working towards as we complete this task. Most of my students were figuring out that the half fold would time your pieces by two and the s-fold would times the pieces by three. They were thinking of multiplication problems to create their fraction strips! We will continue with fraction strips next week.
More Fraction Strip Fun!
Enjoy the Weekend,
Ms Losinski
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