I was excited to meet with all my students this week. I got to see some familiar faces and meet my new students. This week I was able to meet with each of my groups for
an introduction day. Next week we will start our normal routine of language arts on Monday and Tuesday and math on Wednesday & Thursday.
Around the School
September 4th-17th - Candy Bar Sales - by the PTO
Saturday, September 8th - NERF NIGHT - Sponsored by the PTO
Tuesday, September 11th - E-LEARNING DAY - *School is Open Today
Wednesday, September 12th - PICTURE DAY
Friday, September 14th - PTO CRAFT NIGHT 5:30-7:30
*We only met on Wednesday for an introduction day - next week language arts will start their normal routine of Monday & Tuesday.
This week all of my language art classes went through the same activities. We went over all of our classroom procedures and expectations for the year. Many of my students are returning, so it was quick to review procedures. I took a few minutes to share some of my summer fun with them. Then it was time for a get-to-know you activity. We played a game called Switcharoo. One student would state something about themselves - if you had that same thing in common with them you would come to their side. If you did not share the statement, you would stay on the starting side.
Below are pictures for you to enjoy from this activity:
3rd Grade:
4th Grade:
*We only met on Thursday for an introduction day - next week math will start their normal routine of Wednesday and Thursday.
This week all of my math classes went through the same activities. We first went over all of our classroom procedures and expectations for the year. This didn't take long as many of my students are returning. I took a few minutes to share some of my summer fun with the students. Next each student filled out a pennant with their goal for the year. Some of my classes had a few extra minutes left to play the game Switcharoo. This is a quick get-to-know you activity that allows a student to share something the like or not, if you agree with the student you stay on their side of the line. If the statement is not true for you then you go on the other side. Below are some pictures of the students working on their pennants:
2nd Grade:
3rd Grade:
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