Mark it on the Calendar!
Tuesday, October 8th: PTO Meeting
Tuesday, October 15th: End of 1st Quarter
Thursday, October 24th: Yost Blood Drive
1:30 - 7pm
Thursday, October 24th: Report Card Posted
at 3pm
Friday, October 25th: No School - Fall Recess
Thursday, October 31st: Happy Halloween
Tuesday, October 15th: End of 1st Quarter
Thursday, October 24th: Yost Blood Drive
1:30 - 7pm
Thursday, October 24th: Report Card Posted
at 3pm
Friday, October 25th: No School - Fall Recess
Thursday, October 31st: Happy Halloween
1st Grade: CIPHER WHEEL:
This week the students completed several worksheets to familiarize themselves with working the Caesar's Cipher Wheel. The worksheets allowed them to practice their deciphering and enciphering skills. A new thing they were challenged with was to find the minus rule to each of the plus rules. To solve for this, they must remember our magic number of 26 letters in the alphabet. This rule is important as a major time saver. If they told you the cipher rule was +22, it is much faster to utilize the minus rule of -4. We worked with this new rule together because adding to 26 was something they weren't quite comfortable with yet.
We will wrap up this lesson next week.
This week we looked at the structure of a sentence. We looked at the structure of the four-level analyzer and how it helps us dissect a sentence. Our focus was identifying the subject and predicate of each sentence. An additional skill the analyzer lets us complete is identifying the parts of speech to each word in the sentence.
We will continue to identify parts of speech in a sentence at a slower rate throughout the year - looking at one part of speech at a time. To end class, we began our next lesson with a read aloud of Marvelous Matie: How Margaret E. Knight Became an Inventor by Emily Arnold McCully.
We will continue with our new lesson next week.
This week the students listened to the story The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses by Paul Goble. Then, we looked at each individual page and identified interactions with the characters. We took each interaction further by discussing what this means about that character and identified a character trait that it displayed for them.

We will continue with this lesson next week.
This week the students came in and were introduced to the app - Pages. This is a great app on their iPad to utilize for presentations. For this presentation, they were introduced to typing the presentation, inserting pictures, creating a drawing and recording their writing all within the app pages.

Next week, they will present their presentations.
1st Grade: WEIGHT:
This week the students completed a weight activity in the classroom. They worked their way through 5 different stations. Each station was set up with 3 different bags with various items to compare and weigh. They took a turn at each station and predicted the heaviest, middle weight and lightest of the bags. Then, they used a hanger balance scale to find out the actual results for each station. When we were done, we decided to compare bags from different stations for some extra practice with the hanger balance scales.
We will wrap up this lesson next week.

2nd Grade: Symmetry:
We continued our exploration with symmetry. First, by looking at a 3x3 piece of paper and finding all the lines of symmetry for the square. After they discovered it had 4 lines, we cut the shapes out to make triangles. These triangles are needed for our next step with this lesson in exploring symmetry and transformations with triangles.
I introduced to them the three terms to transformations - flip, turn and slide. I wanted to see if anyone was familiar with them, but we will focus on them in the next step of the lesson. At this point, the students are manipulating the triangles using transformations, but without us focusing on the specific movements. They are replicating patterns in 3x3 grids using the triangles.

We will continue with the lesson next week.
3rd Grade:
We wrapped up our first think deeply. They were rock stars with the first one. We took our time and put in lots of information in our response. I again stressed to them that when they attempt the first one on their own it might not contain all these details, but by the end of the year they will be professional writers at explaining their math ideas.
We began our introduction into our next lesson. This lesson introduces the idea of a function - we will take it very slow to make sure we are thinking algebraically verse drawing the picture or extending tables. Some were already challenging this idea, so I have prepared a challenge next week to show them why we should use a function.
4th Grade:
They completed their first Think Deeply of the year and I was impressed with all the information they shared for our first one. After their think deeply, they completed a quick review on quadrilaterals. Then, we began our introduction to our next lesson. We looked at a sheet called Some, All or None. This sheet asked the students to identify whether statements about shapes were true or false. If false, they had to state a counterexample about the statement. Our last activity of the week was Three of These Things Belong Together. This sheet had the students look at a set of 4 shapes and decide which one didn't belong. Then, they would identify the name of the shape and explain why it was different.
These activities are preparing the students for a game we will play next week.
Hope you enjoyed the Fall Weather this weekend!
Ms. Losinski
This week the students completed several worksheets to familiarize themselves with working the Caesar's Cipher Wheel. The worksheets allowed them to practice their deciphering and enciphering skills. A new thing they were challenged with was to find the minus rule to each of the plus rules. To solve for this, they must remember our magic number of 26 letters in the alphabet. This rule is important as a major time saver. If they told you the cipher rule was +22, it is much faster to utilize the minus rule of -4. We worked with this new rule together because adding to 26 was something they weren't quite comfortable with yet.
We will wrap up this lesson next week.

We will continue with our new lesson next week.

We will continue with this lesson next week.

Next week, they will present their presentations.
1st Grade: WEIGHT:

We will wrap up this lesson next week.

2nd Grade: Symmetry:

I introduced to them the three terms to transformations - flip, turn and slide. I wanted to see if anyone was familiar with them, but we will focus on them in the next step of the lesson. At this point, the students are manipulating the triangles using transformations, but without us focusing on the specific movements. They are replicating patterns in 3x3 grids using the triangles.

We will continue with the lesson next week.
3rd Grade:
We wrapped up our first think deeply. They were rock stars with the first one. We took our time and put in lots of information in our response. I again stressed to them that when they attempt the first one on their own it might not contain all these details, but by the end of the year they will be professional writers at explaining their math ideas.

4th Grade:

These activities are preparing the students for a game we will play next week.
Hope you enjoyed the Fall Weather this weekend!
Ms. Losinski
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