It's National Sausage Pizza Day!
Not sure what you are making for dinner yet...
No worries - Pizza for the Win!
Mark it on the Calendar!
Tuesday, October 15th: End of 1st Quarter
Thursday, October 24th: Yost Blood Drive
1:30 - 7pm
Thursday, October 24th: Report Card Posted
at 3pm
Friday, October 25th: No School - Fall Recess
Thursday, October 31st: Happy Halloween
1st Grade: Cipher Wheel:
This week they had one last project to complete to Caesar's Cipher Wheel. They had to pick a word from the previous page and form a connection with the word.

Then they were asked to draw a picture displaying their connection. To wrap up our exploration with cipher wheels, we took some time to decipher and encipher some
super- secret Halloween messages.

We took advantage of the beautiful weather this week and went outside to complete the next activity. They were asked to go outside and record 4 connections they can see. After they recorded it, they had to fold it and keep it a secret. This will get referred back to in the next lesson.
To end the week, we had time to look at our next secret message. This time they were given a number pad from a phone to crack the code. The code had numbers from 2-9 with arrows above them. The students examined the number pad and found a connection that the numbers 2- 9 have the whole alphabet written on them.
They needed an explanation of what the arrows meant. After we discussed that the arrows were pointing at a number, they were ready to crack the code:
We can speak a secret language!
We will discuss this message and discover what it means next week.
2nd Grade: Structure of a Paragraph:
We continued with our story Marvelous Mattie: How Margaret E. Knight Became an Inventor. The students were asked to identify structures they saw in the story and identified her sketches and family as two different structures.
Next, the students looked at two sentences with the word structure in them. They were challenged to identify which one had structure acting as a noun and the other as a verb.
Then, it was onto us looking at another type of structure we use as writers - The Hamburger Model. This tool is used to help writers organize a paragraph into 5 sentences with a main idea, 3 juicy details to support the topic, and a conclusion to restate the main idea.
We looked at two different paragraphs and highlighted the different parts to the paragraph. We had a brief discussion on what it would take to persuade a reader. Some students shared with me that they would have to convince the reader of what they thought. This led us to a discussion on opinions. We had a few minutes left to brainstorm some topic ideas.
Next week, they will write a paragraph utilizing the hamburger model.
3rd Grade:
This week they prepared to write a paragraph on The Girl from our story last week. We took some time this week, to brainstorm some character traits of the girl. Then, we looked at our chart and wrote the interactions that went with these traits. We were missing some of our students this week, so we utilized part of the week as a catch-up from a previous assignment before moving onto the next step.
Next week, they will turn their brainstorming into a paragraph.
4th Grade:
After putting finishing touches on their presentations, they were ready to share their final product with the class. This week the students shared their presentation from Pages.
If they have not already, ask the students to share the project with you at home. It is saved and ready to present in the app Pages.
To end the week, the students listened to a short biography on Mary Anderson, the inventor of windshield wipers, from the book Girls Think of Everything: Stories of Ingenious Inventions by Women by Catherine Thimmesh. This was to inspire them before they take a turn at being inventors.
We will continue with this lesson next week.
1st Grade: WEIGHT:
This week the students completed a worksheet that let them compare two of our bags from last week. The goal from this week's assignment was to practice describing the scale in two ways.
Next, it was time to move onto our Think Deeply. We completed our think frame which allows us to look at the question further. Our focus was on how we describe our scales. They have done a great job remembering the two ways to describe a scale throughout the lesson. To end the week, the students wrote their response to Imi and Zani explaining to them ways a person can describe a scale.
We are looking forward to receiving a new challenge from our friends next week.
This week the students finished replicating the triangle designs. The next challenge was identifying the number of lines of symmetry in each design. At first this was a challenge, as some friends wanted to just mark the 4 lines of a square.
I had to remind them to look at the design in the square and you must have a mirror image with the design. To end the week, the students had to create their own triangle designs. On the back of the paper, they identified how many lines of symmetry their designs contained. When we have some extra time, we will look back at these and look for the solution to the designs they created.

We will move onto a new project next week.
3rd Grade: FUNCTIONS:
This week we took the time to really explain how we found our function from last week. We looked at the set-up of tables from 1 to 5 and placed a two inside each table. A student was able to identify that it looked like repeated addition.
We discussed that we can turn repeated addition into multiplication. The students identified that we can multiply the number of tables by 2 as the first part of our function.
Seeing it drawn out on the board really helped my friends visualize the function. The students completed a chart on their own for continued practice with this function. Their confidence has really grown with this from last week.
We will wrap up this lesson next week.
We took some time this week to complete a think beyond task. As a class, we created a diagram showing how the attributes overlap with the quadrilaterals. This let them see how with each definition continued on with the previous classification and added one more attribute onto the definition. It was a great review to wrap up our understanding of quadrilaterals.
We will move onto a new shape game next week.
Have a Great Weekend,
Ms. Losinski
Thursday, October 24th: Yost Blood Drive
1:30 - 7pm
Thursday, October 24th: Report Card Posted
at 3pm
Friday, October 25th: No School - Fall Recess
Thursday, October 31st: Happy Halloween
Chesterton High School Student Government Presents:
HALLoween Trick or Treat
When: October 30th, 5-6:30 pm
Where: Chesterton High School
Enter through Door 1
Who: All kids through 4th Grade
Admission is $5.00 per family.
A portion of the proceeds will go to Riley's Children's Hospital.
Snacks and refreshments will be available for an additional $1.00 per item.
1st Grade: Cipher Wheel:
This week they had one last project to complete to Caesar's Cipher Wheel. They had to pick a word from the previous page and form a connection with the word.

Then they were asked to draw a picture displaying their connection. To wrap up our exploration with cipher wheels, we took some time to decipher and encipher some
super- secret Halloween messages.

We can speak a secret language!
We will discuss this message and discover what it means next week.
2nd Grade: Structure of a Paragraph:

We looked at two different paragraphs and highlighted the different parts to the paragraph. We had a brief discussion on what it would take to persuade a reader. Some students shared with me that they would have to convince the reader of what they thought. This led us to a discussion on opinions. We had a few minutes left to brainstorm some topic ideas.

3rd Grade:

Next week, they will turn their brainstorming into a paragraph.
4th Grade:
After putting finishing touches on their presentations, they were ready to share their final product with the class. This week the students shared their presentation from Pages.
If they have not already, ask the students to share the project with you at home. It is saved and ready to present in the app Pages.

We will continue with this lesson next week.
1st Grade: WEIGHT:

Next, it was time to move onto our Think Deeply. We completed our think frame which allows us to look at the question further. Our focus was on how we describe our scales. They have done a great job remembering the two ways to describe a scale throughout the lesson. To end the week, the students wrote their response to Imi and Zani explaining to them ways a person can describe a scale.

We will move onto a new project next week.
3rd Grade: FUNCTIONS:

We discussed that we can turn repeated addition into multiplication. The students identified that we can multiply the number of tables by 2 as the first part of our function.
Seeing it drawn out on the board really helped my friends visualize the function. The students completed a chart on their own for continued practice with this function. Their confidence has really grown with this from last week.
We will wrap up this lesson next week.
We took some time this week to complete a think beyond task. As a class, we created a diagram showing how the attributes overlap with the quadrilaterals. This let them see how with each definition continued on with the previous classification and added one more attribute onto the definition. It was a great review to wrap up our understanding of quadrilaterals.
We will move onto a new shape game next week.
Have a Great Weekend,
Ms. Losinski
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