Homecoming Parade Starts at 4pm
Mark it on the Calendar!
Sunday, September 15th: Five Guys Fundraiser 11am - 9pm
Sunday, September 15th: DEF 5K Hustle
Sunday, September 15th: DEF 5K Hustle
Wednesday, September 18th: Grandparents Day
K-1 from 8:30-9:45am
2-4 from 9:45-11am
Thursday, September 19th: PICTURE DAY
Thursday, September 19th: PTO Craft Night 5:30-6:30pm
No plans for dinner - No problem! Don't forget to Support Yost this Sunday, September 15th be eating at FIVE GUYS between the hours of 11am - 10pm.
Yost Elementary
A family focused afternoon of fun that will help us raise money for enrichment programs for the children at Yost Elementary.
This event is open to Yost students, families, and the Duneland community.
Race Date: Saturday, October 5th, 2019
Registration deadline for a guaranteed race shirt is September 20th.
DEF 3rd Annual 5K Homecoming Hustle 2019
No plans for dinner - No problem! Don't forget to Support Yost this Sunday, September 15th be eating at FIVE GUYS between the hours of 11am - 10pm.
Yost Elementary
A family focused afternoon of fun that will help us raise money for enrichment programs for the children at Yost Elementary.
This event is open to Yost students, families, and the Duneland community.
Race Date: Saturday, October 5th, 2019
Fun Run Details:
- Check-in time/shirt pick-up time starting at 2pm on race day.
- Race start time 3pm, DJ Ryan Jury starting pre-run festivities at 2:30pm
- Distance: 2k, untimed out and back fun run with multiple color stations
- Post-run refreshments
- Post-run dance party until 4:30pm
- $20 entry fee for adults, $15 entry fee for students/kids
Registration deadline for a guaranteed race shirt is September 20th.
DEF 3rd Annual 5K Homecoming Hustle 2019
The Duneland Education Foundation will host the 3rd Annual DEF Fun Run/Walk 5K Homecoming Hustle on homecoming weekend, Sunday, September 15, 2019. The Kid’s Hustle will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the 5K beginning at 9:00a.m. at Chesterton High School (CHS), 2125 S. 11th Street in Chesterton.
The registration cost of $20 includes the race and a t-shirt. The pre-registration deadline is Sunday, August 25, 2019 to guarantee a shirt. After August 25, registration remains at $20 with no guarantee of a t-shirt. Registration on race day will be held from 7:30-8:30 a.m. at CHS.
The DEF 5K Homecoming Hustle will be a flat, fast course through Chesterton starting and ending on the Chesterton High School football field. There will be prizes for top three (3) age group winners.
Professional race timing will be provided by T&H Timing. Number and T-shirt pick up will be on Saturday, September 14, 2019 from 8:00-10:00 a.m.at the Boys and Girls Club in Chesterton, 521 W. 1100 N. All proceeds from this event will benefit the Duneland Education Foundation (DEF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides financial resources to enhance opportunities for educational experiences for all K-12 students of Duneland.
CLICK HERE to register online. Please email Colleen Grimes at director@dunelandeducation.org for more information.

To review our generalizations, the students looked at a set of black at white images and had to make connections to figure out what they represented. This idea of an image representing a connection led us into our Shield of Connections project. This is a fun project my first graders complete at the beginning of the year - that represents a great get to know you activity. The students will create a shield with black and white symbols that represent them. We took a lot of our class time going over the project in detail.
This week the students shared with the group their different structures they designed. We had the class split with half modeling theirs after a specific structure and the others being creative. My creative friends shared a great story with their design, but the next question of defining the purpose was a little tricky for them. Some designs we had were a room, a house and a rocket ship on a launch pad.
Next, we looked at our structures and discussed what they all had in common. A great word came out earlier that we started the discussion with - support. This led another friend to add on a strong base. We also came to an interesting conversation when a student mentioned their structure was wobbly. This led us to our last part - we needed on stability. I was excited to see them hit on so many key generalizations on their own.
To help lead this discussion, we were brainstorming different structures. To my surprise, a student brought up the idea of a community as a structure. This idea jumped us ahead on the next step on their own, by including not just physical objects, but abstract as well. We will wrap up our introduction to structures next week.
More Structure Photos
This week we began to explore the interactions we have with our pets as a form of communication. Before beginning this activity, we briefly reviewed how to navigate through non-fiction text without reading it from front to back. Then they completed a chart on inferring the different meanings to some of the actions of a cat. Before the began this activity, we also discussed inferences. They had the rest of class time to start this activity.
This week we continued with our study on math attributes. We focused in on what math attributes you can measure. This led us into a discussion on the tool we would use and how to use that tool. To wrap up the lesson, the students were introduced to our Think Deeply question. These are the days my mathematician friends work on their writing. They answer the question that Imi and Zani asked us to solve. This week we wrote back to our friends explaining to them how to measure the heaviness of an object and included a drawing with our response. We also included a class letter we wrote to them with all of the ideas we had on measurement. We can't wait to hear back from our friends to find out our next task!
This week they were introduced to Dru and Teller who are two characters we will interact and receive different challenges from throughout the year. This week they taught us how good mathematicians act as good speakers and listeners in the classroom. They also shared with us a scrapbook from their travels. We enjoyed looking through the book identifying speaker and listener roles.
They also were challenged to identify different shapes on each page. To end the week, we answered our first Think Deeply question from Dru and Teller. Think Deeply questions are days that allow our mathematicians to learn to put their math ideas into writing what they discovered from the lesson. This week they were asked to explain math attributes to triangles for Dru and Teller. We will wrap up our letters next week.
This week we started to explore repeating patterns. When the student learns to recognize repeating patterns it allows them to make predictions and generalizations about the continuation of the sequence. The focus of the lesson is for the student to determine the next term in the sequence. To practice working with repeating patterns, the students were introduced to the activity The Name Game.
They were asked to complete a set of question with the idea of a person writing their name over and over again. We came back together as a class to share their findings and discuss their discoveries. We will continue to work with repeated patterns next week.

Our first lesson focused on developing definitions of shapes by utilizing the correct geometric vocabulary. To create the definitions of their shapes, we looked at their attributes to help us define each shape. We did this by completing the activity You Either Have It or You Don't. This activity builds on the idea that shapes can go by many different names. Although a challenge, it also teaches them to focus on the meaning of the vocabulary. A student can simply state that a shape is a quadrilateral verses stating this shape has 4 sides and 4 vertices.
We also focused on if you stated it is a quadrilateral and the shape has 4 sides - you were stating the same statement twice. This is an important lesson to the entire concept on geometry because understanding the proper terminology now will help them succeed throughout the year as our lessons grow.
We will continue with this activity next week.
Have a Spooky Friday,
Ms. Losinski
The registration cost of $20 includes the race and a t-shirt. The pre-registration deadline is Sunday, August 25, 2019 to guarantee a shirt. After August 25, registration remains at $20 with no guarantee of a t-shirt. Registration on race day will be held from 7:30-8:30 a.m. at CHS.
The DEF 5K Homecoming Hustle will be a flat, fast course through Chesterton starting and ending on the Chesterton High School football field. There will be prizes for top three (3) age group winners.
Professional race timing will be provided by T&H Timing. Number and T-shirt pick up will be on Saturday, September 14, 2019 from 8:00-10:00 a.m.at the Boys and Girls Club in Chesterton, 521 W. 1100 N. All proceeds from this event will benefit the Duneland Education Foundation (DEF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides financial resources to enhance opportunities for educational experiences for all K-12 students of Duneland.
CLICK HERE to register online. Please email Colleen Grimes at director@dunelandeducation.org for more information.
This week we finished our activities to define connections. We looked back at our matching game to look at and describe the way each pair was connected. This activity guided us through our generalizations of connections.
Generalizations of Connections:
Connections show relationships among objects, feelings, people and places.
Connections can be intellectual, physical, social or emotional.
Connections may change or stay the same overtime.
HOMEWORK: The Shield of Connections project came home on Tuesday, September 10th. Please have your child complete the project and return it on Monday, September 16th. It is important that this project is returned for class on Monday because we will be assembling and presenting this project next week. If they complete it early, they can bring it down to my classroom and have it ready to go for next week.
2nd Grade: STRUCTURE:
Generalizations of a Structure:
A structure usually supports.
A structure can change over time.
A structure can be stable or unstable.
More Structure Photos
HOMEWORK: The students were asked to find two structures from home and bring one of them to share with the class. These are due on Monday, September 16th. They will bring them home after they present them to the class.
4th Grade:
My students were off on the camping trip, so we did not have group this week.
This week we continued with our study on math attributes. We focused in on what math attributes you can measure. This led us into a discussion on the tool we would use and how to use that tool. To wrap up the lesson, the students were introduced to our Think Deeply question. These are the days my mathematician friends work on their writing. They answer the question that Imi and Zani asked us to solve. This week we wrote back to our friends explaining to them how to measure the heaviness of an object and included a drawing with our response. We also included a class letter we wrote to them with all of the ideas we had on measurement. We can't wait to hear back from our friends to find out our next task!
This week they were introduced to Dru and Teller who are two characters we will interact and receive different challenges from throughout the year. This week they taught us how good mathematicians act as good speakers and listeners in the classroom. They also shared with us a scrapbook from their travels. We enjoyed looking through the book identifying speaker and listener roles.
We will continue with this activity next week.
Have a Spooky Friday,
Ms. Losinski
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