Monday & Tuesday, September 9th & 10th: 4th Grade Camp Goodfellow
Tuesday, September 10th: PTO Meeting 6-7pm
Sunday, September 15th: Five Guys Fundraiser 11am - 9pm
Wednesday, September 18th: Grandparents Day
K-1 from 8:30-9:45am
2-4 from 9:45-11am
Thursday, September 19th: PICTURE DAY
Thursday, September 19th: PTO Craft Night 5:30-6:30pm
District News:
Homecoming Block Party 2019
The Duneland School community is invited to participate in the fifth annual Homecoming Block Party sponsored by the Chesterton High School Student Government on Wednesday, Sept. 11 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the CHS Music/Soccer Parking Lot. Visitors should enter the CHS Parking Lot entrance on 11th Street, as the CR 1050 Entrance will be closed to traffic.
Admission is $1 per person and all admissions earn one ticket. Additional tickets may be purchased for events. (Events range from $1-$5.)
Events include a silent auction, raffles for items, a bounce house, face painting, a teacher dunk tank, kids’ games and more.
Food will be available from Desserts by Juliette as well as hot dogs, pizza, and other concessions provided by the CHS Student Government.
DEF 3rd Annual 5K Homecoming Hustle 2019
The Duneland Education Foundation will host the 3rd Annual DEF Fun Run/Walk 5K Homecoming Hustle on homecoming weekend, Sunday, September 15, 2019. The Kid’s Hustle will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the 5K beginning at 9:00a.m. at Chesterton High School (CHS), 2125 S. 11th Street in Chesterton.
The registration cost of $20 includes the race and a t-shirt. The pre-registration deadline is Sunday, August 25, 2019 to guarantee a shirt. After August 25, registration remains at $20 with no guarantee of a t-shirt. Registration on race day will be held from 7:30-8:30 a.m. at CHS.
The DEF 5K Homecoming Hustle will be a flat, fast course through Chesterton starting and ending on the Chesterton High School football field. There will be prizes for top three (3) age group winners.
Professional race timing will be provided by T&H Timing. Number and T-shirt pick up will be on Saturday, September 14, 2019 from 8:00-10:00 the Boys and Girls Club in Chesterton, 521 W. 1100 N. All proceeds from this event will benefit the Duneland Education Foundation (DEF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides financial resources to enhance opportunities for educational experiences for all K-12 students of Duneland.
CLICK HERE to register online. Please email Colleen Grimes at for more information.
To learn about their theme, they began exploring The Graphic Alphabet by David Pelletier. The students looked at the illustrations on different pages to guess the letter and make connections to the image. This helped them guess what each illustration represented.
We wrapped up this week by playing a matching game - pairing words with the strongest connection.

Sharing their favorite letter from The Graphic Alphabet.
The second grade unit starts out very interesting - they were given no specific directions except a list of same materials for each student and 30 minutes to build any structure they can in that amount of time. Each student received modeling clay, masking tape, toothpicks, 2 straws, 1 pipe cleaner and 3 popsicle sticks. Let the creativity begin!
Next week, we will continue to work together to define our unit on structure.
To introduce the idea of interactions, they acted out a few different skits together. Then, we looked at the different skits and made a list of things we saw in common. This discussion was very important because it allowed them to slowly define the definition of an interaction.
The students came in and brainstormed a list of things that change. Then, they looked at their list and looked for categories they could group it into. Introducing the idea of categories allowed their list of change to grow. In our discussion, it led us to start a list of items that don't change - eye color and history. We looked at our lists and developed some generalizations for the idea of change.
This week all of my math friends completed the same activity. In the beginning of the year, we have each student take a pre-assessment of what they know about the big concept they will study all year. Similar to my language arts friends, my math students explore a BIG CONCEPT throughout the school year. The assessment they took today will be the same assessment they take again at the end of the year. My returning friends are familiar with this as our first activity. However, sometimes there is a struggle with not knowing the answers on a test. All of my classes took a moment to review the power of YET...
On the pre-assessment, it is perfectly acceptable for the students to answer a question with a question mark. However, at the end of the year when they see the assessment again - I am confident that the students will be filling the lines with all of the information they gained this year. Next week, I will share with them how they did on the pre-assessment, but I will hold onto these and return them at the end of the year with the final assessment to show all of their growth.
1st Grade:
These guys were rock-stars this week and completed their pre-test on Wednesday. This allowed us to begin their introductory unit. They received a package from Imi and Zani who will be friends they will be corresponding with throughout the year. They were teaching us some general guidelines to be mathematicians in the classroom.
Next week, we will continue with our introductory unit.
Have a Great Weekend,
Ms. Losinski
District News:
Homecoming Block Party 2019
The Duneland School community is invited to participate in the fifth annual Homecoming Block Party sponsored by the Chesterton High School Student Government on Wednesday, Sept. 11 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the CHS Music/Soccer Parking Lot. Visitors should enter the CHS Parking Lot entrance on 11th Street, as the CR 1050 Entrance will be closed to traffic.
Admission is $1 per person and all admissions earn one ticket. Additional tickets may be purchased for events. (Events range from $1-$5.)
Events include a silent auction, raffles for items, a bounce house, face painting, a teacher dunk tank, kids’ games and more.
Food will be available from Desserts by Juliette as well as hot dogs, pizza, and other concessions provided by the CHS Student Government.
DEF 3rd Annual 5K Homecoming Hustle 2019
The Duneland Education Foundation will host the 3rd Annual DEF Fun Run/Walk 5K Homecoming Hustle on homecoming weekend, Sunday, September 15, 2019. The Kid’s Hustle will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the 5K beginning at 9:00a.m. at Chesterton High School (CHS), 2125 S. 11th Street in Chesterton.
The registration cost of $20 includes the race and a t-shirt. The pre-registration deadline is Sunday, August 25, 2019 to guarantee a shirt. After August 25, registration remains at $20 with no guarantee of a t-shirt. Registration on race day will be held from 7:30-8:30 a.m. at CHS.
The DEF 5K Homecoming Hustle will be a flat, fast course through Chesterton starting and ending on the Chesterton High School football field. There will be prizes for top three (3) age group winners.
Professional race timing will be provided by T&H Timing. Number and T-shirt pick up will be on Saturday, September 14, 2019 from 8:00-10:00 the Boys and Girls Club in Chesterton, 521 W. 1100 N. All proceeds from this event will benefit the Duneland Education Foundation (DEF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides financial resources to enhance opportunities for educational experiences for all K-12 students of Duneland.
CLICK HERE to register online. Please email Colleen Grimes at for more information.
I love our Language Arts Units because each unit studies a different theme throughout the year. This week we took the time in each group to look at and define the BIG CONCEPT to each unit.
Next week, we will continue the introduction to connections.
Sharing their favorite letter from The Graphic Alphabet.
2nd Grade: STRUCTURE:
Our generalizations to an Interaction:
Interactions can be accidental or purposeful.
Interactions can be positive or negative.
Interactions can have a fleeting influence or leave a long-lasting impression.
Other important requirements we concluded - it must be between two or more people or animals. Plus, the most important (and trickiest part) there must be an EXCHANGE.
We will continue to work with the definition of interactions next week.
4th Grade: CHANGE:

Our Generalizations to Change:
Change is everywhere.
Change occurs at different rates of time.
Change can be viewed as positive or negative.
Change can be caused naturally or by humans.
Change can be systematic or random.
As we study the unit of change, we will have a continuing list of the change occurring all around us from each lesson.
All Grades:
1st Grade:
These guys were rock-stars this week and completed their pre-test on Wednesday. This allowed us to begin their introductory unit. They received a package from Imi and Zani who will be friends they will be corresponding with throughout the year. They were teaching us some general guidelines to be mathematicians in the classroom.
Next week, we will continue with our introductory unit.
Have a Great Weekend,
Ms. Losinski
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