Last week the students explored the concept of connections and began to examine the connection between symbols and meanings. This week we read the Graphic Alphabet by David Pelletier. We started class by reviewing fiction/nonfiction as this was a nonfiction book all about connections to the alphabet. At first glance, it looked like a fiction book to my friends, so we had a great discussion on how the graphic story was nonfiction.
Then, we looked through the book and students used their own personal connections to use the pictures of a letter in the alphabet to guess a word beginning with that letter. We would discuss what clues helped them make that connection. To end the week, we started to develop a definition for connection, which we will continue making next week. We started to list several examples of connections to help them understand the relationship connections have with each other. Then, each student wrote and shared their list of four connections.
Connections will be our theme throughout the year, and we will continue to develop a strong understanding of this concept this week.
Last week the students completed a project to help us work toward the understanding of the generalizations for the concept of connections. They were given a baggie full of connections and had to sort them into groups with 2 or more connections.
We discussed that our own personal experiences would influence the way we sort the connections into categories and there is not a set of right or wrong with this project. At the end of the week, we had enough time for some of my friends to share their ideas.This week the rest of the class will share their ideas as we work to create our generalizations to the concept of connections.

This week we will look at their final project and explore their ideas further to guide us to the generalizations of change.
Last week we completed a project to guide us towards creating generalizations about change. Each student brainstormed 20 examples about change. Then, they came together as a group and sorted them into categories. We looked at the finished project and had a great discussion with their ideas. They were closing in on our generalizations to change.
1st Grade: Let's Learn about Polygons
Last week the students were discovering characteristics of several polygons: triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons and hexagons. Our first day, we started by seeing what they could show me they knew about these different polygons. I was excited to see they already knew sides and vertices! This let me know they were ready to begin our next project. We worked together to complete What's the Same About These Shapes. This activity let us look at the 4 shapes and define the characteristics about each of them. The main goal was to define the shapes by sides and vertices.
This week will we finish What's the Same About these Shapes.
2nd Grade: Definition of a Triangle - Introduction to the Think Deeply
Last week we completed an activity where we looked at two different groups of shapes. Group A led us to the definition of a polygon as students saw examples of open, closed, simple, and not simple shapes. They also were tricked slightly by looking at a chevron as they eventually discovered it was a quadrilateral. The second group was all about triangles.
This led us to explore the different ways we classify triangles. We will look at that further later in the year. This activity led us into the introduction of the Think Deeply. This is an activity completed at the end of each lesson to show what they know as a quick check-in after the lesson. We walked through introductory Think Deeply together, so they will be able to complete these independently throughout the year.
We jumped right into algebra last week. Our focus was on repeating patterns. They were introduced to The Name Game to help us learn this concept. Students would look at a repeating pattern and had to answer several questions based on repeating a name over and over. They students were asked to solve several different questions which introduced them to using multiplication or division to solve these problems.
They were asked to solve several different questions:
1 - If they wrote their name X-amount of times, how many total letters did they write?
2 - If they wrote their name 100 times, what was the X letter that they wrote?
3 - How many times letters are written in the name if they wrote it X amount of times?
In algebra, when students can recognize the repeating pattern it will allow the student to make predictions and generalizations about the continuation of the sequence. Learning to look at the pattern and solving it with algebra instead of writing it out sets out a strong foundation to build upon for our lessons. We will continue to work with this lesson next week.
We were so busy with the name game I missed photos of this group. Sorry!
4th Grade: Pre-Assessment
This week it was my 4th graders turn to take their pre-assessment. Most of them were familiar with this step if they have been in high ability in previous years. They were told that if they do not know the answer YET, they could place a question mark as the answer.
A Little Bit More About the Assessment
The pre-assessment is a resource we use to help us see how much of the material they will be learning throughout the year the student might already know. It is okay if the student does not know the answer YET! During the pre-assessment, the students are even taught that if they don't know the answer to simply put a "?" as the answer and move on to the next. We do not want them worrying about what they do not know, YET! However, by the end of the year they will have mastered all the skills and ready to take it again with a different result. We will hold onto the pre-assessment until the end of the year unit. At that time, the students will come home with the pre and post assessment and you can see how they have grown!
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