Thursday, December 19th: 2nd Quarter Ends
Friday, December 20th - Friday, January 3rd:
Winter Recess - No School
Monday, January 6th: School Resumes
1st Grade: AREA:
We finally had all are friends in class again and were able to complete our last lesson in area. This time we first compared and measured to shapes. Then, the students had to follow a set of instructions to draw a third shape. The last step without comparing their new third shape they would use what they were given with transitivity to place the 3 shapes in size order.
Next, it was time for our Think Deeply to wrap up area. The students had to follow a set of directions and draw 3 target designs for Imi, Zani and Ooboo. When comparing targets they were only told that Imi's was larger than Zani's and Zani's was larger than Ooboo's. The students used this information to decide who had the smallest target and had to tell us how they figured it out.

We will wrap up our chapter on area next week.
We started the week by having the students share a variety of shapes they knew by drawing them on the board. We then concluded that all of the shapes on the board were 2-Dimensional.
They were pretty familiar with this term, which let this exercise move pretty fast. We listed together the differences between a 2-D shape and a 3-D shape. At this point, several students brought up great words like length, width, height or depth.
Next, the students built us several different 2D shapes. We placed these shapes in stations around the room. The students worked their way through 6 stations identifying the shape name, number of sides and vertices to each shape. They were allowed to include any other facts that they knew about the shapes.
We will continue exploring shapes next week.

This week we started class by defining an array. We then looked back at our 100's chart and discussed what features made it an array. We looked at the patterns we saw within our 100's chart, but had to change our mind from thinking about finding multiple patterns. We discussed how certain columns always had the same number in the one's place.
We also looked at what the rules were moving left, right, up down or diagonal from one number.
To practice these rules, the students began to complete a set of puzzling puzzles. They had to complete missing parts of a 100's chart and 700's chart utilizing the patterns we discovered.
As students completed this activity they were introduced to our Zacarro packets. This is the first time this class completed these this year.
These are enrichment packets for our math students that have students start out at level 1 and progress their way through to the genius level.
The catch a student cannot simply complete the whole packet at once. They must master level 1 before moving onto level 2 and so on, this is to ensure they have mastered the previous levels skills and are ready to attempt the next set of questions.
These are meant to be fast and require them to work through a trial and error process as they complete the levels. The students will continue to see these packets throughout the year.

We will continue with this lesson next week.
This week the students were introduced to a coordinate plane. We started out by looking at a simple grid and a set of numbers to find on the grid. Next the students were explained the numbers were called and order pair. This led us to discuss the X & Y-axis on a coordinate plane. Our first number would always move horizontally on the x-axis and our second number would move vertically on the y-axis.
The students practiced plotting several points to become familiar with the correct order. Then we moved onto translating a shape on the grid first we translated a shape horizontally. We discussed if the shape is only moved horizontal the first number of the ordered pair will change while the second will remain the same. After the students became familiar with the grid, they were given a coordinate plane. I explained to them we were working in quadrant one. Together we labeled the coordinate grid. We also discussed the way to know which quadrant your ordered pair is located based on positive and negative numbers. To end the week, we began to plot points on the coordinate plane.
We will continue with this lesson next week.
Ms. Losinski
Friday, December 20th - Friday, January 3rd:
Winter Recess - No School
Monday, January 6th: School Resumes
Friday, January 10th: Report Cards are Posted
Thursday, January 16th: PTO Art Show/Ice Cream/Book Fair
Thursday, January 16th: PTO Art Show/Ice Cream/Book Fair
Monday, January 20th: Martin Luther King Jr Day
No School
1st Grade: ACRONYMS:
This week the students cracked another cipher - the Random Reverse Cipher. The first clue was in the name - reverse. Several clues later, the students discovered that it stated - Numbers can stand for sounds in words! This introduced us to our story for the lesson Wumbers by Amy Krouse Rosenthal.
This book is presented as a story and a game to read the Wumbers within the story. The student partner read the story. Then, they completed a worksheet where they identified a Wumber and translated it to the real word. Each student shared the Wumbers they found. One student used ornate as a Wumber, but no one knew what it meant.
This was the perfect opportunity for us to continue using our vocabulary maps for unknown words. The students discovered that it meant excessively decorated. Looking back at the illustrations we can see the definition to ornate within the picture. To end the week, we looked back at our previous story E-Mergency this was to introduce students to several acronyms the author used throughout the story. The students defined acronyms as a shortcut or abbreviation to a word or phrase.
We will continue with our lesson next week.
2nd Grade: SUMMARY:
This week the students put their finishing details on their prediction paragraphs. Then, students were allowed to share some of their thoughts of what might happen in chapter 3.

Most students were surprised to see that chapter 3 was all about the journey of getting to the island verse Elmer already on the island. Next, we switched gears to define a summary. The students were then split into three groups to plan a skit to summarize chapter three.
We will continue with this lesson next week.
3rd Grade: ANNA SEWELL:
This week the students watched a short movie clip on Jane Goodall featuring parts of the song Why Shouldn't We. First, we discussed what Jane meant by stating she will only retire when her job is done. This led us to research how old she is now and the students were shocked to discover she is 85.
Then we discussed the importance of including the song Why Shouldn't We in the clip. This led us to discuss ways we can help with things we are passionate about now and that our age doesn't mean we are too young to make a difference. Then, the students completed a writing prompt in their journal. Next, the students read a biography on Anna Sewell. This actually was a big hint to their upcoming book study as she is the author to Black Beauty. As a class, we completed a Venn Diagram comparing Jane to Anna.
Next week the students will begin their book study.
4th Grade: PRONOUNS:
This week we concluded our double timeline by looking at how Tecumseh's timeline helped define a part of Indiana's history. We also discussed a series of questions about what would have been different if an event changed. This led us to compare it to a domino effect with all the pieces in place, but if one were removed or changed it could alter the timeline. Then, we switched gears to some grammar.
The students were introduced to pronouns - subject, object and possessive. As a class, they completed some sentence analyzers that contained pronouns. The biggest challenge was identifying to the type of pronoun in the sentence. We had enough time left to introduce the genre - mystery. This was an introduction leading the students to their upcoming book study. We looked at some key terms that we see in mysteries. We took some time to focus on the importance of the red herring or false clues and why an author includes those within their story.
We will continue exploring mysteries next week.
1st Grade: ACRONYMS:

This was the perfect opportunity for us to continue using our vocabulary maps for unknown words. The students discovered that it meant excessively decorated. Looking back at the illustrations we can see the definition to ornate within the picture. To end the week, we looked back at our previous story E-Mergency this was to introduce students to several acronyms the author used throughout the story. The students defined acronyms as a shortcut or abbreviation to a word or phrase.
We will continue with our lesson next week.
2nd Grade: SUMMARY:

Most students were surprised to see that chapter 3 was all about the journey of getting to the island verse Elmer already on the island. Next, we switched gears to define a summary. The students were then split into three groups to plan a skit to summarize chapter three.
We will continue with this lesson next week.
3rd Grade: ANNA SEWELL:
This week the students watched a short movie clip on Jane Goodall featuring parts of the song Why Shouldn't We. First, we discussed what Jane meant by stating she will only retire when her job is done. This led us to research how old she is now and the students were shocked to discover she is 85.

Next week the students will begin their book study.
4th Grade: PRONOUNS:

We will continue exploring mysteries next week.
We finally had all are friends in class again and were able to complete our last lesson in area. This time we first compared and measured to shapes. Then, the students had to follow a set of instructions to draw a third shape. The last step without comparing their new third shape they would use what they were given with transitivity to place the 3 shapes in size order.

We will wrap up our chapter on area next week.
They were pretty familiar with this term, which let this exercise move pretty fast. We listed together the differences between a 2-D shape and a 3-D shape. At this point, several students brought up great words like length, width, height or depth.
Next, the students built us several different 2D shapes. We placed these shapes in stations around the room. The students worked their way through 6 stations identifying the shape name, number of sides and vertices to each shape. They were allowed to include any other facts that they knew about the shapes.
We will continue exploring shapes next week.


To practice these rules, the students began to complete a set of puzzling puzzles. They had to complete missing parts of a 100's chart and 700's chart utilizing the patterns we discovered.

We will continue with this lesson next week.

The students practiced plotting several points to become familiar with the correct order. Then we moved onto translating a shape on the grid first we translated a shape horizontally. We discussed if the shape is only moved horizontal the first number of the ordered pair will change while the second will remain the same. After the students became familiar with the grid, they were given a coordinate plane. I explained to them we were working in quadrant one. Together we labeled the coordinate grid. We also discussed the way to know which quadrant your ordered pair is located based on positive and negative numbers. To end the week, we began to plot points on the coordinate plane.
We will continue with this lesson next week.
Ms. Losinski
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