Each day next week we will have a different theme to help us get in the Holiday Spirit!
Monday = Grinch Day
Tuesday = Reindeer Day
Wednesday = Santa
Thursday = Pajama Day
Friday, December 13th: Winterfest
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Thursday, December 19th: 2nd Quarter Ends
Friday, December 20th - Friday, January 3rd:
Winter Recess - No School
Monday, January 6th: School Resumes
This event will take place at Yost Elementary School from 5:30 to 7:00.
Admission to this event is FREE to all Yost Families.
Come dressed in your Christmas PJ's and see Santa!
Santa's Secret Workshop will also be opened during the event.
Plus, many other fun activities.
There will be cookies and hot chocolate for you to enjoy too.
Hope you can make it!
1st Grade: LIPOGRAMS:
This week the students listened to the story E-MERGRENCY! by Tom Lichtenheld and Ezra Fields-Meyer. A fun fact to the story was Tom got the idea for his story when he came about a short video titled Alphabet House written by a 12 year old boy named Ezra. This story introduced us to the importance of the letter E in our language.
At the end of the story, there is a chart shared with the reader on the frequency of letters in our language. We took some type to discuss what letters would be challenging to create a lipogram and what ones would be a less difficult. Next, we wrote 3 sentences retelling our story. The twist to the assignment was the children were challenged to rewrite the sentences as a lipogram.
The only rule is they had to select a high frequency letter to replace in the sentence. These students were AWESOME and said they wanted to create their lipogram with the letter E, our most frequently used letter in the alphabet.
We will continue working with our lipograms next week.
We started the week with a few grammar lessons. First, they completed a sentence analysis. Then, they had to edit a paragraph and find 9 errors with capitalization and punctuation.
This was our first time completing this activity, so we found all the solutions together after they tried on their own. Most students found 6 or more errors.
Next, we looked at our short-story we will study for the next few weeks. The students were introduced to My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett. We discussed the genre of the story prior to reading it and there was a guess that it might be historical fiction. We revisited this question after reading our first chapter and they changed their thought to classifying the story as fantasy because of a talking cat. Then we took some time to discuss the importance of making a prediction. We looked at some details from chapter one that should help us narrow our prediction to talk about certain things. To end the week, we reviewed what a paragraph should include when writing our predictions. I was pleased to hear the students mention 5 sentences, an introduction, 3 details and a conclusion. They had all the ingredients to our hamburger structure!
We will continue to work with predictions next week.
This week the students completed an activity with close reading while exploring a biography of Jane Goodall. We reviewed the symbols we will use when we mark-up our paper.
Then, we modeled together how our inner voice talks to us while we read and how to mark our thoughts on our paper. Next, each student took a turn modeling their thoughts while they led the class with a paragraph.
The week started with the students analyzing some sentences. Our sentence analyzers have added 2 new parts for the students to analyze. They must identify the sentence structure by identifying the clause(s) and deciding if the sentence is simple, compound our complex. They also must identify the sentence type by deciding if it is declarative, interrogative, exclamatory or imperative.
We switched gears to our new lesson on how a timeline shows change. We looked at the word timeline and identified it as a compound word. We compared a compound to our beginning unit where we looked at words with prefixes, root words and suffixes. We then discussed how a timeline shows us change over a period of time and is a graphic structure to visually organize the change. To end the day, the students started to complete a double timeline. They started to complete the Indiana side of the timeline.
We will continue with this project next week.
1st Grade: AREA:
This week we continued comparing the area of our figures in our centers. This week's center had them predict which shape was larger. Then, they had to check their work by measuring it with square units. To complete the center the students had to write how they knew which shape was larger. This was great practice for helping them write their thoughts similar to their think deeply assignments.

We will finish our area centers next week.
This week we are taking some time away from our books and the students are being introduced to our Zaccaro Packets. We utilize the Zaccaro Packets within our High Ability program as a way to introduce some other topics to the students during the school year.
The packets are arranged with different levels to a math topic. They range from level 1 to the Genius level.
Each student works at their own pace as far as they can through a section. Each level increases the difficulty to continue challenging the student.
The tough part for the students is the wanting to solve them immediately. They will challenge the student and require some time to work through the different levels and multiple steps to solve them.

When they complete a page I check it and they must have them all correct before they can move onto the next level. This assures us that they are ready for the next step as the difficulty increases. As an introduction to the packets, we are working with levels 1 and 2 of our packets.
We will continue working through our Zaccaro packets next week.
(I am so sorry, I completely forget pictures of this group for this week. I will do my best to take a few extras next week)

The students came in and finished observing and recording patterns they saw with their 100's chart. Then, we discussed the different patterns the students saw within the charts. They did a great job recognizing the math with the movements to describe the patterns. This allowed me to share early with them a chart that displays the pattern they identified. To end the week, the students started a worksheet that lets them make connections with the different patterns of their multiples.
Over the past few weeks, if the students finished an assignment early they have been completing a worksheet on order of operations. This week I was meeting with some of them working on the assignment to share with them the acronym PEMDAS. This should help them moving forward with this assignment. They will continue to work with PEMDAS, as a when I am done activity.
We will continue to explore our charts next week.
It was time for our GAME DAY - Packers verse DA BEARS!

We both agreed no one would want to be a Vikings fan! From there it was all serious, as we played the game Flip-Sliding Around. This game challenged the student to identify the matching shape on the game board. Then, they transformed the shape using our proper terminology from the lesson to land on the correct shape and make sure the shape is in the correct position.
The difficulty level increased with this game, as they must visualize their entire move and can't move the shape along while they are identifying the transformation.
The opponent would either agree with the movements or they could challenge them and win the square.
Every time you transformed the shape correctly you would place a chip on the game board. The first player to place 4 of a kind in a row either vertically, horizontally or diagonally was the winner. This game was intense as the students were strategic to block their opponents from being able to form their line when selecting their squares. It was great hearing the improvement of terminology as we got a chance to play the game several times.

And the winner was...Green Bay!
Next week we will wrap up transformations.
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Thursday, December 19th: 2nd Quarter Ends
Friday, December 20th - Friday, January 3rd:
Winter Recess - No School
Monday, January 6th: School Resumes
This event will take place at Yost Elementary School from 5:30 to 7:00.
Admission to this event is FREE to all Yost Families.
Come dressed in your Christmas PJ's and see Santa!
Santa's Secret Workshop will also be opened during the event.
Plus, many other fun activities.
There will be cookies and hot chocolate for you to enjoy too.
Hope you can make it!

We will continue working with our lipograms next week.
We started the week with a few grammar lessons. First, they completed a sentence analysis. Then, they had to edit a paragraph and find 9 errors with capitalization and punctuation.
This was our first time completing this activity, so we found all the solutions together after they tried on their own. Most students found 6 or more errors.

We will continue to work with predictions next week.

Then, we modeled together how our inner voice talks to us while we read and how to mark our thoughts on our paper. Next, each student took a turn modeling their thoughts while they led the class with a paragraph.

We will continue with this project next week.
1st Grade: AREA:

We will finish our area centers next week.

Each student works at their own pace as far as they can through a section. Each level increases the difficulty to continue challenging the student.

When they complete a page I check it and they must have them all correct before they can move onto the next level. This assures us that they are ready for the next step as the difficulty increases. As an introduction to the packets, we are working with levels 1 and 2 of our packets.
We will continue working through our Zaccaro packets next week.
(I am so sorry, I completely forget pictures of this group for this week. I will do my best to take a few extras next week)

We will continue to explore our charts next week.
It was time for our GAME DAY - Packers verse DA BEARS!

The opponent would either agree with the movements or they could challenge them and win the square.

And the winner was...Green Bay!
Next week we will wrap up transformations.
Have a Great Weekend,
Ms. Losinski
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