Around the School
Can you believe it...Our first snowfall of the season on
November 9th!
Thank you to all of those that have served our country.
Around the School
November 11th - Veterans Day
November 15th - 4th Grade Music Program
at 6:30pm at Chesterton Middle School
November 19th - Grandparents Day at Yost
for Kindergarten and 1st Grade
November 20th - Grandparents Day at Yost
for 2nd, 3rd & 4th Grade
More Information Coming Soon
November 21st- 23rd - Thanksgiving Break - No School
November 26th - School Resumes
Due to the E-Learning Day, my Language Art students only met one day this week.
To wrap up our text-to-text connection the students completed a writing assignment in their journal. To summarize our Venn diagram, they were asked to compare and contrast The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane verse The Velveteen Rabbit. To end the day, we shared a read aloud of chapter 15.
The students were assigned to read chapter 16 & 17.
3rd Grade: THE FLOWERS:
We had one last box on are reading analyzer to complete from last week. We reread the poem for a reminder and then the students had to identify an interaction. They noted the author of the poem and his feelings of happiness while sharing his memory of the garden. Next, we learned about a vocabulary map. This was the first time we completed one of these, so we filled it out together. We defined the word naturalist. While completing this activity, the students were introduced to Jane Goodall. Then to end the day the students looked at the meaning of the word activist. In their journals, they answered what it meant to be an animal activist. These last two activities are beginning to introduce the theme of our next lesson. We will start studying the works of Jane Goodall in the next few lessons.
This week we watched a slide show showing us the history of how money came about. We saw the change of money go from bartering with item to shells to actual currency we see today. We also discussed the new change with money with technology today - the debit card! Next, we switched gears back to the change in the value of money over time. We had just a few moments left in class, so we started to analyze the charts from their packet. Next week we continue to study how the value of money has changed over time.
2nd Grade: CRASH TEST:
This week the students finished illustrating their designs. The class had to make a decision by only the drawing if they thought a design would pass or fail the crash test. Now it was time to run our first crash test. The students did a great job with their car seat designs.
I saw many designs that had a click/unclick design to allow the eggs to go in and out. Another great idea I saw with many designs was the ability for the seat belt to tighten or loosen based on the fit of the egg. We had a mixture of results for our first test. We had 2 students who had the egg stay in the car seat. 3 students' car seats flipped resulting in 2 of those 3 eggs breaking. I heard comments immediately thinking of their designs and corrections to make.
Next week, we will begin our Think Deeply, which we will allow them to modify and retest their car seats. This week I included their designs as the blog pictures to allow you guys the ability to predict if it will crash or stay safe with each design.

Make sure to check back next week to see if your predictions were right with videos of their crash tests!
This week we completed our lesson on perimeter. First, they had to create a new pen using a total of 56 feet of fencing. This group started to figure out the pattern last week, so I challenged them to create 3 pens. They also had to share the mathematical steps to show proof their dimensions totaled 56 feet for the perimeter.
Now we were ready for our Think Deeply. This asked us to share our pens and find a way to order them. We had a total of 8 pens, but could only use 5 of them as they quickly realized they each used the same dimensions. They were asked to explain any patterns they identified. One of my students identified last week that if we decrease the width, the length will increase by one. This was the answer we were looking for and today they were able to visually see it with our 5 ordered pens. To end their Think Deeply, I challenged them to test out their pattern and complete a chart of all the pens we could have created. They were able to achieve this with their theory and a chart, without the need to draw out each pen. They did a great job with this lesson!
This week we moved onto our new lesson. We looked at different strategies to compare 2 or more fractions. We looked at a total of 5 different strategies:
Common Denominators
Common Numerators
Missing Parts
Cross Multiplying
After working with each of these strategies, it was time to challenge the students with a game.
Each student created a fraction from a range between 1/99 to 98/99. Then, we split the class into two teams - for this challenge we went with girls verse boys. They each were given the same 10 fraction cards to place in order from largest to smallest. They could use any of the 5 strategies to find the correct order. They ran out of time to finish their order, but the girls had the most correct at the end of class.
We will continue with this activity next week.
Have a Great Weekend,
Ms Losinski
November 15th - 4th Grade Music Program
at 6:30pm at Chesterton Middle School
November 19th - Grandparents Day at Yost
for Kindergarten and 1st Grade
November 20th - Grandparents Day at Yost
for 2nd, 3rd & 4th Grade
More Information Coming Soon
November 21st- 23rd - Thanksgiving Break - No School
November 26th - School Resumes
Due to the E-Learning Day, my Language Art students only met one day this week.
To wrap up our text-to-text connection the students completed a writing assignment in their journal. To summarize our Venn diagram, they were asked to compare and contrast The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane verse The Velveteen Rabbit. To end the day, we shared a read aloud of chapter 15.
The students were assigned to read chapter 16 & 17.
3rd Grade: THE FLOWERS:


2nd Grade: CRASH TEST:

I saw many designs that had a click/unclick design to allow the eggs to go in and out. Another great idea I saw with many designs was the ability for the seat belt to tighten or loosen based on the fit of the egg. We had a mixture of results for our first test. We had 2 students who had the egg stay in the car seat. 3 students' car seats flipped resulting in 2 of those 3 eggs breaking. I heard comments immediately thinking of their designs and corrections to make.

Make sure to check back next week to see if your predictions were right with videos of their crash tests!

This week we moved onto our new lesson. We looked at different strategies to compare 2 or more fractions. We looked at a total of 5 different strategies:
Common Denominators
Common Numerators
Missing Parts
Cross Multiplying
After working with each of these strategies, it was time to challenge the students with a game.

We will continue with this activity next week.
Have a Great Weekend,
Ms Losinski
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