Blogging on a Monday
Snow on April 12th
Sorry for the delay on the weekly blog. We have had a busy weekend and I had to put some finishing touches on the blog from Friday...

April 16th - May 4th: ISTEP 3rd & 4th only
April 16th - April 20th: School Safety Week
April 27th: Book Fair & Ice Cream Floats
April 27th: Deadline for Summer School Registration
May 2nd: Early Dismissal at 1:45
Second Grade CogAT Results
Letters went home on Friday with the results of their CogAT test. No one has been identified as qualifying for high ability just yet. End of the year NWEA data is needed before final decisions are made. Please remember, CogAT is a test with zero reading. It covers nothing that is being taught at school, nor is it something you can prepare your child for. It is a test which shows how students think. CogAT often identifies your out-of-the-box thinkers and those students who can make those connections between different examples. If your child did not do well on this test, no worries. Click here for a link to help explain the results. Remember, this test is only one of two ways into HA.
FREE High Ability Summer School
This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to be immersed in the study of Medieval Times. There will be projects, reading, presentations, guest speakers and a chance for students to present what they've learned in the packed full three weeks! Students who have attended have raved about the experience! This is the unit that usually has the most students attend. It sparks the most interest from our students. I know there's often an overlap between other summer programs; DON'T LET THIS STOP YOU! Mrs. Pethes welcomes any and all even if you need to miss a week or so. It's worth it plus it's FREE this year! Your child will still get so much out of this! Please ask if you have questions. Friday, April 27th is the deadline for registration!!!! I have more copies of the brochure if you need one. Dates are as follows: May 31, June 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21.
Next week we will start our new lesson.
I reminded them that these stories were written by the same author. We compared the broken heart from Edward and how it could mend and heal to Roscuro's heart that healed crooked. We are now presented with our character that has a broken heart filled with hate and revenge. They took a moment to reflect on their thoughts on his revenge.
We will continue on with our novel study next week.
3RD GRADE: BLACK BEAUTY: This week we dove right into our novel study of Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. We were introduced to our main character as a calf named Darkie with his original master. During our novel study, the students will be completing 2 different tracking sheets.
One will track Darkie as his name changes through his life's journey. The second will be tracking his interactions throughout the story as he moves from owner to owner. This will be our final unit for the year and is a perfect way for the students to observe and note all of the interactions they see throughout the story.
They then will be able to refer back to our 3 generalizations on interactions and apply those to what they are tracking. The students will be assigned homework throughout this unit and it is imperative that they stay up-to-date with their reading.
HOMEWORK: This week the students were asked to read chapters 7-10. *The chapters are marked in Roman Numerals, so the students know to read through chapter X - A Talk in the Orchard.

*Missed pictures of this group because of the field trip this week - will have extras posted next week.
our shape.
Then we went back to focusing on the faces we see in each view. Since we were identifying faces, our drawings would have 2D shapes as the description. We worked through one design as a group. Then it was time for them to try it on their own. Each student created a 3D design and created the different views.
We will wrap up this lesson next week.
3RD GRADE: THINK DEEPLY: This week we completed our last lesson on mental math. The students completed their partner game. Then we looked at the think deeply question together. It asked a similar question to the game the students played.
We will wrap up this chapter next week!

4TH GRADE: MAGIC TRIANGLE: This group continued to work on their magic triangles. We reviewed the steps to take to solve the magic triangles. The students must remember to look for all 3 solutions before placing them in the triangle. They must remember when looking for the solutions they are looking for 3 ways to add up the fractions to the magic number. This will allow them to identify the numbers used only once and place them in the triangle correctly. This was causing some students a little trouble, as they wanted to start with filling in the triangle first. After our review, it went much easier for the class. We will wrap this lesson up next week.
*Missed pictures of this group because of the field trip this week - will have extras posted next week.
Have a Great Week,
Ms Losinski

4TH GRADE: MAGIC TRIANGLE: This group continued to work on their magic triangles. We reviewed the steps to take to solve the magic triangles. The students must remember to look for all 3 solutions before placing them in the triangle. They must remember when looking for the solutions they are looking for 3 ways to add up the fractions to the magic number. This will allow them to identify the numbers used only once and place them in the triangle correctly. This was causing some students a little trouble, as they wanted to start with filling in the triangle first. After our review, it went much easier for the class. We will wrap this lesson up next week.
*Missed pictures of this group because of the field trip this week - will have extras posted next week.
Have a Great Week,
Ms Losinski
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