November 22nd - 24th: Thanksgiving Break
December 7th: Early Dismissal Day at 1:45
December 22nd: End of 2nd Quarter
December 25th - January 7th: Winter Recess

1st Grade: Persuasive Writing: This week we concluded our lesson on persuasive writing. They added their final sentence - the conclusion - to their paragraph. We then looked at our rubric, so they will understand how it is used in the future.

Later on in our unit, they will follow these same steps on their own. This lessons goal was to teach them to be successful with an independent writing assignment in the future. We also used our paragraphs to practice our presentation skills.

Each student took a turn reading their paragraph working on volume and eye contact. This group really enjoyed Pig Latin, that I made them sad announcing we would be moving onto our next lesson.

Then it went onto new words or key words. The kids did a great job at highlighting a few key or important words to our poem. However, they were tricked by the beginning paragraph. These were actually nicknames for flowers including such words as: purse, smock, and buttons. This is why they were struggling understanding the meaning of the poem. We looked back at the first stanza together. I reminded them the title of our poem was The Flowers. This made one student quickly conclude that they were flowers. I displayed some pictures to each of the flowers in the poem. They were now seeing the key words of fairy and tiny come together with the vision of a fairy forest. We switched gears for a moment to allow a student share their scrapbook from the interaction they shared with nature. It was great seeing this student show all of his interactions on his trip. As a class, we could tell it was a deep and lasting experience he will remember for ever. The students were excited to hear and see his different interactions.
I wanted to take a moment to wish all my math families a Happy Thanksgiving! Due to Thanksgiving Break, we will not meet next week. They were making me hungry this week, as some of them were sharing their favorite foods they eat on Thanksgiving!
1st Grade: What Happened???: The students were excited to play What Happened this week. They were Rock Stars at this game. Not only did each group successfully answer each question, they were able to always explain in detail the change that occurred from the original shape. There was no tricking them! They were all smiles as they each got to select a prize from the prize box.

Defining a rhombus, led us into the discussion of shapes going by different names. The different names tell us different things about a shape, some giving more details then others. We discussed how all the shapes were polygons telling us they were closed.

Our specific shapes we were looking at were also all quadrilaterals - letting us know they had 4 sides and 4 vertices. The more specific shape names help by giving us specific information about the sides: if they are parallel or congruent.

Then the students were given a single pattern block and tiled a pattern using our 3 movements. This led us into our introduction of a basic pattern block and identifying the original shapes of a complex pattern.

We looked at one model and figured out how the pattern repeated with the fewest shapes. We were able to find the basic pattern was repeating with 3 shapes. They are almost ready to design their own murals!

For added practice, we looked at some input/output tables. This made the students look for the function rule first because the numbers were not in order. We then checked our rule by creating a table with terms 1-5, now allowing them to identify the actual pattern. They seemed to have a much better understanding working backwards. Taking the pattern away allowed them to see the rule first. We will start our new lesson after break.
4th Grade: Think Deeply: This week we talked about a few more basic concepts with fractions before responding to our Think Deeply question. I wanted to introduce a few concepts that would help them answer their question mathematically and not depend on our fraction strips.
As a class, we worked together to answer the first Think Deeply question. We walked through it step-by-step to get our answer.

We were looking for the largest fraction with a set of fractions that did not have the same denominators. We were able to quickly eliminate 3 of our fractions because they were less then 2 wholes. This left us with 3 fractions. Then we used our concepts on converting from a mixed number to an improper fraction. Our last step we used our new skill of finding the like denominator and made equivalent

Next, we looked at our second Think Deeply and began to set it up as a group. Then they began to solve it on their own. We will finish this lesson when we return from break.
Enjoy the Weekend,
Ms. Losinski
As a class, we worked together to answer the first Think Deeply question. We walked through it step-by-step to get our answer.

We were looking for the largest fraction with a set of fractions that did not have the same denominators. We were able to quickly eliminate 3 of our fractions because they were less then 2 wholes. This left us with 3 fractions. Then we used our concepts on converting from a mixed number to an improper fraction. Our last step we used our new skill of finding the like denominator and made equivalent

Next, we looked at our second Think Deeply and began to set it up as a group. Then they began to solve it on their own. We will finish this lesson when we return from break.
Enjoy the Weekend,
Ms. Losinski
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