October 24th: Picture Retake Day
October 27th - Fall Recess - No School

2nd Grade: Intro to Our Book Study: This week we finished making our predictions on our story: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Then the students were taught how to use the vocabulary map. This is another reading tool we will use in the room to define challenging or important words throughout our book study. Then it was onto a reflection before we read our book: "If a journey is to be miraculous, what are certain events that must occur during the journey?" We had just enough time to read our first chapter together.
IMPORTANT NOTE: They have a folder and book that will travel back and forth on Tuesdays. In this folder, is a homework sheet showing the assigned reading. I am asking the parents to sign this sheet so I know the students completed their reading. Thank you with your help in monitoring this project. Many of them were excited to take the book home and share it with their parents. This week I have only assigned chapters 2 & 3.

4th Grade: Introduction to a Biography: This week we finished up the last of our Greek and Latin Roots. We completed our 2nd worksheet that had them define words by their prefix, root word and/or suffix. This led us into our lesson with a Biography. We first looked at this word and defined it by it's word parts:
Bio meaning life, graphy meaning writing, Biography meaning writing about someone's life. To end the day, we brainstormed some components that are found within a biography. We will continue our study on a biography next week.
I was out of the building on Thursday, so my math groups only met on Wednesday.
1st Grade: Shapes, Shapes & more Shapes: This week we started by reviewing our word wall terms. We also reviewed the attributes to our shapes. Then, we spent the rest of the day creating shapes. We took post-it notes and created rectangles and turned some of them into squares.
We also created large and small triangles.

We were creating these shapes for a project that we will use them with next week. Our goal will be to take these shapes and create new ones using our squares, rectangles and triangles. To end the day, I asked each student to correctly identify the number of sides a shape had in order to line-up. They are already showing improvement with the proper names of our shapes!
2nd Grade: Symmetry: Our journey with symmetry, continued on this week. As a class, we looked at our Triangle Designs and identified the line of symmetry. This time they had to focus not on the square, but the pattern within the square to correctly identify the line of symmetry.
Students took turns coming to the board and identifying the line of symmetry. To better understand symmetry with design, we discussed this idea thinking of the wings on a butterfly. That helped them better understand that the colors must line-up across the line of symmetry.
I was SUPER excited that they did not get tricked with the no line of symmetry this time. I watched as they thought it out and then concluded their was no line. This was much better then last week when they were determined to find the line in every shape.

For the rest of class, we prepared more triangles for a project we will complete next week. This time they focused on their line of symmetry to create better triangles.
3rd Grade: Growing Patterns: The students were introduced to our Awesome Algebra Game. In our final chapter, the students will create their own game. To complete this task, the students will create the cards at the end of each lesson. We started the day, by creating our questions from the Name Game. Next, the students were introduced to the new concept - growing patterns. The students were already able to define it as a pattern that will increase. The students were given a scenario of setting up tables for a restaurant.

1 table would seat 4 people, but how would the number change each time we added another table. They must connect the tables side to side. They were able to identify our results were increasing by 2.

We started to organize our data in a chart. The students were also able to tell me that a chart is a useful way to organize our data. We will continue with this concept next week.
4th Grade: Equivalent Fractions: This week it was time to write our response to our Think Deeply question. We quickly reviewed our question and what our response should contain. Then they were busy writing for the remainder of the class.

Just like last year, they would bring me their writing to review and I would guide them if they needed to add-on more information.

They did a great job with 2 out of 3 parts of their writing. We will take a few minutes next week to review how to create equivalent fraction.
Have a Great Weekend,
Ms. Losinski

1st Grade: Caesar Cipher Wheel: Due to early dismissal, we only met on Monday. We started class by sharing the secret message: Letters are symbols that stand for spoken sounds. This led our discussion for the day, as we discussed the meaning of our message.
We talked about each letter being a symbol for a sound and we went over a few sounds our letters make. To practice our message, we sounded out a few words together. Next, it was time for additional practice with our wheels. They began a set of worksheets that they will complete in class to master our Caesar Cipher Wheel.

3rd Grade: Character Traits: This week the students were introduced to interactions through character traits. Our focus would be on inferring a character trait through an interaction. We first were introduced to our author Paul Goble. We read a short biography on him to understand his passion for Native American stories and art. Then we read aloud The Girl who Loved Wild Horses. As a class, we completed a worksheet together on character traits. We identified the character, an action that took place in the story and the trait we inferred from it. They did a great job filling up our sheet with traits. We will continue to work with this lesson next week.

Bio meaning life, graphy meaning writing, Biography meaning writing about someone's life. To end the day, we brainstormed some components that are found within a biography. We will continue our study on a biography next week.
I was out of the building on Thursday, so my math groups only met on Wednesday.

We also created large and small triangles.

We were creating these shapes for a project that we will use them with next week. Our goal will be to take these shapes and create new ones using our squares, rectangles and triangles. To end the day, I asked each student to correctly identify the number of sides a shape had in order to line-up. They are already showing improvement with the proper names of our shapes!

For the rest of class, we prepared more triangles for a project we will complete next week. This time they focused on their line of symmetry to create better triangles.

1 table would seat 4 people, but how would the number change each time we added another table. They must connect the tables side to side. They were able to identify our results were increasing by 2.

We started to organize our data in a chart. The students were also able to tell me that a chart is a useful way to organize our data. We will continue with this concept next week.

Just like last year, they would bring me their writing to review and I would guide them if they needed to add-on more information.

They did a great job with 2 out of 3 parts of their writing. We will take a few minutes next week to review how to create equivalent fraction.
Have a Great Weekend,
Ms. Losinski
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