Welcome! Last week many students shared personal goals for this school year. Many of my students expressed their desire to grow in math,language arts or even both. I am super excited to help my students work on their personal goal throughout the year. This week we started our first lesson in each class. I was proud of all the hard work and ideas shared in class. All of my classes rocked it, it is going to be an AMAZING year!
Around the School
September 11th: Camp Goodfellow - Sloan’s 4th Grade
September 11th: PTO Meeting at 6:30 - in the library
September 12th: Early Dismissal - 1:45pm
September 13th: Picture Day
September 18th-19th: Camp Goodfellow - Dunkle & Claus 4th Grade
September 22nd: Yost Fest - 5:30 to 7:00pm
September 25th-29th: Go College Week
1ST GRADE: CONNECTIONS: This week we started our lesson by reading The Graphic Alphabet by David Pelletier. While we explored the pages of the book, the children quickly caught on that each letter form was representing the word on the page. The children were making connections with the illustrations to figure out the mystery word. To further their development with the term connection, we played a matching game with cards. Our goal was to find the best relationship between the words.
We will continue to work with the meaning of connections next week.
HOMEWORK: A packet should have came home with your student on Wednesday. In this packet, we ask that the students complete the blank patches (drawings in black) and Coat of Connections (the writing portion) the blank patches (drawings in black). Please send this back in with your student on Monday, September 11th. We will assemble the rest of the project in class together. Please remember this should be student led parent guided 😉
2ND GRADE: CONNECTIONS: This week we worked as a class to define the word connection. Students worked in small groups taking a pile of items that were connected and found ways to place them into general categories. Each group shared their connections with the class.
This led us into a discussion of how some words could fit into more than 1 category based on our personal connections. This activity helped us to develop a deeper understanding of how items are related to each other. We will continue to develop a definition for connections next week.
3RD GRADE: INTERACTIONS: This week we started out with a group activity of playing charades! We compiled a list of the different actions that were acted out during the game. Next, the students needed to think how all of these words on our list were related.
Together, we came to the conclusion that these were examples of
interactions. As a class,we started to brainstorm more interactions we could add to our list.
We will continue to define interactions as a class next week.
ALL MATH GROUPS: PRE-ASSESSMENT: On Wednesday the students came in and took a math pre-assessment. This is a tool we use at this point in time to see how much the students know about the concepts they will be learning throughout the year. We will also use this same assessment at the end of the year to show their growth.
Although some students may have struggles with the assessment today, it is something that they will shine with at the end of the year when they see how much they learned.
Continue reading below about each grade levels introductory unit on Thursday.
1ST GRADE: GEOMETRY: UNIT INTRODUCTION: On Thursday we received a package in the mail from Imi and Zani. As we opened the package, we read a letter that explained they were two birds from the South America. They were asking for our help to test out some math games throughout the year. We decided we were up for the challenge! However, before we can help our friends we must review some procedures they sent us to become mathematicians. We started with the speaker and listener roles. Then we ended the day looking at a scrapbook they sent us and identifying the different roles they used in the book.
Next week we will test a game they have sent for us to test for them.
2ND GRADE: GEOMETRY: UNIT INTRODUCTION: On Thursday we received a package in the mail from Dru and Teller. We opened up the package and quickly learned about these two new friends. They are two meerkats from Africa known as the Detective Duo. They travel the world learning from different classrooms and have asked us to help them this year. We decided we were up to this challenge! We continued looking through the package and found a scrapbook they sent for us to read. We began to read it, but paused halfway through to look at a list of speaker and listener roles they sent to us. We reviewed those processes to help us become a better team of mathematicians.
We will continue to explore the rest of the information they sent us next week.
3RD GRADE: ALGEBRA: PATTERNS IN SEQUENCE - THE NAME GAME: On Thursday, the students were introduced to the term Repeating Patterns. To define this term we had to figure out the next 5 letters in the pattern SARAHSARAHSA. Next, they had to find the 18th letter in the pattern. We were sharing our ideas to solve these problems and heard 4 ways to solve for the answer.
For added practice, we took a name from the class and tried to find the 20th letter. This time I was happy to see everyone find the right letter!
Next week the students and I will be looking for an easier way to solve repeating patterns, when looking for a much higher number in the pattern.
4TH GRADE: FRACTIONS: MAKING SENSE OF FRACTIONS: On Thursday we dove right into our first lesson. As a class, we started by defining a fraction and the parts to them. Then we were introduced to Tori and Jordan - two students who we will follow throughout this unit. They were asked to make Fraction Strips.
We began this process together starting with a whole fraction. As we began completing the fractions strips, some students already began correlating how many folds to create the next strip. This is part of the end goal we are working towards as we complete this task.
We will continue creating fraction strips next week.
Have a great weekend!
Ms Losinski
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