Hello Spring! How can it be that we have already reached Spring Break??? I hope everyone has a wonderful week off. I can’t wait to see everyone when we return because we have lots of fun activities left, as we finish off the year.

I have saved one of my favorite traits for us to learn from for the end of the year. I am excited to announce that we will be learning from Mulan! Earlier in the year, one of my first graders said to me you really want us to be unique...She gathered this information from some of the decorations around the room. A few other times it has come up in other groups, I always explain to them I want each one of them to be them. I don’t need 20 of the same students in the room.
When we return from Spring Break, I will welcome my Kindergarten Friends to HA. Looking forward to meeting everyone on April 3rd!
March 17th-April 5th: Read-a-Thon
March 24th: Report Cards Available Online
March 27th - March 31st: Spring Break - No School
April 3rd - 1st Day of HA for Kindergarten
April 4th - Early Dismissal
April 6th - Kindergarten Round-up
April 13th - Spelling Bee/ Book Bowl
May 1st-5th: Teacher Appreciation Week
May12th: Yost Fest

On Tuesday, we read Yo! Yes?. A simple, silly story to teach us the importance of punctuation. The first time through, I read it with no expression - like a robot - a student replied. We listened to the story a second time, this time with expression. What a difference punctuation makes! We also discussed how the illustrator also showed us some of the emotion if we looked at the characters.

We ended the day looking at a paragraph - with no punctuation. In one long breath I read the paragraph to the students. They quickly figured out we needed to add punctuation marks so the story would make sense.

We ended the day looking at a paragraph - with no punctuation. In one long breath I read the paragraph to the students. They quickly figured out we needed to add punctuation marks so the story would make sense.
After Spring Break, we have a little more to work with on punctuation.

On Tuesday, we continued to read and discuss chapters 10 & 11. They only had to complete one question from these chapters. As spring break is approaching, I wanted us to come to a good stopping point. I have asked them to read chapters 12 & 13 by Friday. As they complete their reading, I have asked them to return their books to the classroom - this way no one will risk losing it over break.

When we return from spring break I have pulled some of my favorite poems to share with the children because I would like them to hopefully grow their appreciation for poetry. They are excited to work with these poems!

On Tuesday, the students finished up their character analysis. Then we listened to a new short story from a group of mysteries called Solve-It. The catch to these stories - the reader is the detective and must solve the ending. While I read the story they kept notes and came up with their suspect. I had each student write down who they originally thought was the guilty party. Then they came together and discussed and shared their ideas. Convincing classmates to switch to their suspect.

At the end of class, they were all on the same page with the same guilty person. Eureka - they solved the case! It was great seeing them work together. In the beginning, no one suspected Maria, but after coming together they found the guilty party. There excitement for mysteries continued as they left the room - they are looking forward to working more with mysteries!

At the end of class, they were all on the same page with the same guilty person. Eureka - they solved the case! It was great seeing them work together. In the beginning, no one suspected Maria, but after coming together they found the guilty party. There excitement for mysteries continued as they left the room - they are looking forward to working more with mysteries!

We then practiced measuring different crayons. This is where we discussed the importance of counting the spaces and not the tallies. This was tricking some of my friends and we will add some practice with this when we return from break.

On Thursday, they completed the worksheet Measuring Me. This was an activity to have them practice measuring with a marked ruler.
2nd GRADE: AREA - THERE’S ALWAYS ROOM FOR ONE MORE: On Wednesday, we completed an activity to figure out how many sleeping bags would fit into a tent. They first were given the two measurements to use for the child and adult. Then they cut out templates to help them moving forward with this activity. Next, we used a worksheet to represent our tent. t was their job to figure out how many child sleeping bags could fit into the tent.
Then how many adult sleeping bags would fit into the tent. The child sleeping bag was pretty simple for them to figure out. However, it was tricky for them to figure out the adult sleeping bag. We had a tent that had an area of 40 square feet and the adult sleeping bag has an area of 18 square feet. At first, the thought was two sleeping bags because the total area would be 36 square feet. However, every way they tried to fit two into the tent they would overlap. So the answer was surprisingly 1!

On Thursday, we looked at our Think Deeply question. The question to solve followed our activity from the previous day - with the adult sleeping bag. We looked over the question and identified the important information. Then they worked through and prepared their responses for Dru and Teller.
Then how many adult sleeping bags would fit into the tent. The child sleeping bag was pretty simple for them to figure out. However, it was tricky for them to figure out the adult sleeping bag. We had a tent that had an area of 40 square feet and the adult sleeping bag has an area of 18 square feet. At first, the thought was two sleeping bags because the total area would be 36 square feet. However, every way they tried to fit two into the tent they would overlap. So the answer was surprisingly 1!

On Thursday, we looked at our Think Deeply question. The question to solve followed our activity from the previous day - with the adult sleeping bag. We looked over the question and identified the important information. Then they worked through and prepared their responses for Dru and Teller.
Luckily we just finished wrapping up this lesson - a perfect stopping point for spring break! We will move onto our next lesson when we return from Spring Break.

On Thursday, we took time to walk through the distributive property one more time. I noticed some students were struggling with their writing. So before we moved forward, I wanted to make sure everyone was ready. After, a few more exercises to practice I noticed their confidence increase as they worked through some problems!
After Spring Break, we will move onto our next lesson.

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