Hello! Our quote this week was a bit of a challenge. Immediately, people thought it meant a person who is Brave. However, I brought up the idea of thinking about a friend telling you this quote. Then it led us to think about it as a friend telling us to believe in yourself. More importantly, for us to have the confidence to believe how brave, strong and smart each of us are inside.

For the upcoming month, I am going to change the weekly quote. I will share with the kids the new challenge for Star Wars when I see them in class.
Check back next week to see our characters for the month for February.
February 27th - March 10th: ISTEP Window (3rd & 4th Grade)
February 27th - March 10th: CogAT Screener opens for 2nd Grade
March 10th: Practice IREAD for 3rd Grade
March 13th - March 24th: CogAT Full Test for 2nd Grade
March 13th - March 17th: IREAD for 3rd Grade
March 17th: End of 3rd Quarter
March 27th - March 31st: Spring Break - No School
My language Arts groups only met on Tuesday because of being off for President’s Day on Monday...
1ST GRADE: CONNECTING WORDS AND NUMBERS - TEXT TALK: Today they were introduced to our new concept for this lesson - acronyms. We looked back at some acronyms we read in E-Mergency, to help us define an acronym. We defined it as an abbreviation or “short-cut” to symbolize a phrase or sentence. Now we compared our acronyms to a wumber. We decided that both are “short-cuts” to symbolize or represent words or phrases. However, a wumber uses numbers to replace a part of a word and acronyms are the beginning letters to a word or phrase.

2ND GRADE: THE MIRACULOUS JOURNEY OF EDWARD TULANE: We are wrapping up our Novel Study. Today, as an end to our story we played Jeopardy over Chapters 1-5. They had a lot of fun and answered most of our questions correctly. Impressive - since it has been a while since we started the story!
They also took home their crossword puzzles we started in class last week. They have their book at home to help them find the answers.

Whoever completes the most questions correctly, will get to choose a prize from the prize box.

Next week we will finish our novel study on The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.

4TH GRADE: CHANGE MAKERS: On Tuesday, all projects should have been completed. I have 2 students completely ready to go and one making a few adjustments to Prezi. My other friends are still struggling to put the extra time in after class to complete their monologues.
They have one week to add any of the adjustments - with only recess time to utilize as class time. The rest must be completed with time at home.
I am excited to see them presented - each student was creative with their thought process while picking their theme for Prezi based on their person. Our goal is to have 3 students present on Monday and the remaining 3 on Tuesday.
After presenting, the other students will be allowed to ask any questions they may have. I will record their presentations and share them on the blog next week for you to get a chance to see them.
My Math Groups only met on Wednesday because I was out sick on Thursday.

Then we continued working with our partner to figure out a good area for a sleeping bag.

Each group took their new range and measured it using square feet. Some groups were coming very close to a perfect sleeping bag.
3RD GRADE: AREA - THAT ABOUT COVERS IT: We were wrapping up our lesson on area of an irregular shape. Today, the students began their Think Deeply question. As a class, we looked at the question together and discussed what it was asking of us. Then we recorded some notes that might help us in answering our question.
Before they began, they were allowed a few minutes to brainstorm and write down any notes or questions they had. We clarified any questions the students had and then they were given the remainder of class to write their response.

4TH GRADE: SPATIAL VISUALIZATION - DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE?: We are concluding our first lesson on transformation. We started to write our Think Deeply response on Wednesday. They had to move a shape from “A” to “B” making it end in its original orientation. After moving it once, they had to come up with another way...this is where the struggle began.
However, they each came up with two sets of instructions.
Now to check our work - we switched our steps with a partner and they must be able to move it correctly with only our directions. Each student successfully completed their partner’s first step - SUCCESS! We will continue with checking step 2 next week.
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