Finally, a normal week! We are back to normal for a while, meaning I will be seeing both my groups every week. We are looking for another Class of the Month and our focus is on Kindness to our Friends in our room. I am assuming this will be another close competition between my groups and I can’t wait to see which class will win. The quote last week talked about being kind and if you are kind to others, you too will be rewarded. I saw many friends making an extra effort to help a friend in class this week.
Our leader board after the first week is:
1st Grade Language Arts 10
3rd Grade Language Arts 9
2nd Grade Math 8
Around the School: We need your POP TABS!!! The school is involved in a competition with all of the other schools in our district. We are trying to be the school to collect the most Pop Tabs. We are collecting them to donate for Hannah’s Hope. We appreciate any support you can give in this effort.

We have two more students to feature from November’s Character of the Month club. Again these are students that come to class and add that positive energy to the room!
1st Grade: Alphabet Acrobats - Magical Connections: Since it has been a while since we met - I let each student share something they did over break...Then it was onto our Magical Anagrams. After a quick reminder over our definition of an angram it was time to continue practicing with anagrams..
.On Tuesday it was a BIG challenge with anagrams because we have moved onto 5 letter words. This was a little trickier, so we did the first page together. They took turns coming to the board and sharing an answer they found that another student might not have been able to solve. They are now ready to solve their 5 letter anagrams and will complete the second page on next week.
2nd Grade: Text-to-Text Connections - The Velveteen Rabbit: On Monday, we took some time to re-read chapters 14-17 in class together. It has been a little over a month since they were asked to read it and we decided a reminder would be good. While reading, we paused for a moment and begin to think about how much time has passed in our story. We will look further at this on Tuesday when we add to our timeline, but I wanted them to start to think about it.
On Tuesday, we finished reading chapter 17 and then we looked at our timeline. It was time to look at how much time has passed throughout the story. While looking at this we thought of how old Abilene would be now...I asked them to try to keep that in their mind as we work towards finishing the book.
3rd Grade: Fairy Tales: To begin class from our long break, we went through our list of elements in a fairy tale. Then we took some time to look over a book my daughter is letting us borrow that contains an entire collection of Fairy Tales. Looking through this book got the students excited to work with fairy tales again. Each student picked out a fairy tale for us to look at as a class. They picked some good stories because our other students were not familiar with the title the other selected.
On Tuesday, we finished our second selection. Then we made a chart to compare and contrast our fairy tales. For each story we read, the students will add it to the chart and go through each element marking what applied. We will continue to add to this chart as we read a few more fairy tales. When our chart is complete we will look back and compare and contrast between the stories.

Upcoming Due Dates: January 17th: List of 10 or more Major Events
January 24th: Create Final Timeline

We reviewed the rules they must follow:
1 - Less than 50 cms of supplies
2 - choice of 1,2,or 4 egg cartons
3 - 5x7 piece of foam
4 - 2 holes attached either to the carton or foam

On Thursday, it was time for them to write on their own. This time they had to look at the pens they created and choose which one would be best for the Yeti’s pet. I had students still struggle with writing down their thoughts and idea - so I told those students to list all the vocabulary they think would be important to use in their writing. For the rest of class it was their time to write. At first it was a struggle, as it had been a while, but as they got started they had some great ideas to share about their selection.

On Thursday, it was time for us to look at our Think Deeply question. The students were asked to come up with a rule for shapes that have a rectangle as a cross-section. We started with a class discussion on what the question was asking us. Then we brainstormed a list of shapes and came up with some things they had in common. This had many students begin to establish a rule - so now they had the remainder of class to write their response to the question.
January 13th: End of Second Quarter
January 16th: NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr Day
January 20th: Report Cards Available Online
February 1st: Early Dismissal
February 1st: Early Dismissal
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