Around the School

February 15th - ELearning Day
Make-up day from 1-31
It is available online now.
February 18th - Mid-Winter Break
Presidents' Day - No School
March 7th - Kindergarten Round-up
March 15th - End of 3rd Grading Period
March 22nd - Report Cards Posted
2nd Grade: The Tale of Despereaux:

We will continue on our journey with Despereaux next week.
3rd Grade: BLACK BEAUTY:


2nd Grade: AREA:

We will continue working with area next week.
3rd Grade: BREAK IT UP:

We will continue working with the distributive property next week.
This week we took a moment to review their chapter check-ups. We only had a few areas to talk about - with one problem as the main focus of our review. It was a perfect topic because it led into our next lesson. It was reviewing how to find the missing part to a whole fraction when adding a set of fractions with different denominators.
We had mixed answers with this question - some have mastered it, some solved it visually using the newspaper to find the answer and a few needed to review the steps again. I also wanted to make sure my visual friends had an understanding for the mathematical steps to solve it because they may not always have a picture when solving this type of problem. Next, we moved onto the game thumbs up. This game makes them mentally add up fractions with different denominators to either being less than, equal to or greater than 1 yard.
This theory is a way for them to judge their answers when working out a multi-step problem. When they can quickly identify where the answer falls in relationship to 1 whole, it lets the students know if their answer is on the right path. However if the answer is not where they predicted it should fall, they would know to try again. It is a great tool to use for checking their work.
We will add on another strategy next week.
Enjoy the Weekend,